Hi Heather, I am from 26, male fom Ireland, and I was prescribed Cipralex, (Lexapro) late last year, but haven't had the guts to try it yet. I haven't posted here in over a year. I suffer from anxiety disorder and I am currently getting prescribed 2 X 5mg diazepam daily plus 80mg half inderal LA. Over the Christmas holiday period my doctor prescribed me extra diazepam so I could visit my family for the Christmas period as I am highly agrophobic without the medication. I found the extra medication a great benefit over the holiday period and I even had a few good nights out in my home town with my friends. However, my current dosage of diazepam doesn't seem to be enough for me, as I seem to be getting the anxiety atacks pretty bad again. Also I have really lost my appetite this last week from going back to the smaller doeses, ie. 10mg diazepam/day. As I said, like you Heather, my doctor also has prescribed me "Cipralex" (Lexapro) recently, which I am a bit afraid to take from reading all of it's side-effects. However, I know I have to do something to try and get my life back to as 'normal' as what it once was. Was wondering has anyone any advice on what should I do: ask my doctor to increase my dosage of diazepam and not take Cipralex (Lexapro) (as I know I was able to do so much when taking higher doses of diazepam around the Christmas period) or start on the Cipralex? Has anyone else been in this situation or have been prescribed the same medication for me for "Anxiety Disorder" and now 'agrophobia'. Any advice would be most helpful. Many Thanks, from a 26 year old Irish Guy who wants to try and get his life back in 2004.