I have started taking alpralozam recently. Its changed my life. i'm able to sleep better, concentrate better the next morning after takin the pill. i feel, after taking the pill im able to speak, communicate better, i am able to control my rage, understand my husband more, not fight with him, and do good things. i also feel like focusing on my life after taking the pill. but im taking these pills without the knowledge of anybody. i had got them from india, after seeing my grandmother take them. but now im runnig out of these tablets. and the pharmacy dnt give these drugs without prescription. and i dnt even knw what to ask for in the pharmacy, cause i dnt knw the name of the table, since the one i have is from india, and thats not going to be available here. can someone tell me a name of tablet with the drug alpralozam. i dnt want to visit the doctor, since i cant afford it.