Hi everyonw, WOW. THANK YOU EVERYONE for all your response, I can't even begin to sit and thank you one by one right now as I am at work and though I am still 'out-of-it' I would come post an update.
As much as I enjoy the campus stuff (what's left of it, I'm p/t now and that is really good :) I still feel like SLEEEEEEPINGGG ALLLLLLL DAYYYYY AND ALLLLLLL NIGHTTTTT LOOOOOOONG. Zzzzzzzzzzz.....
I chatted with some Dr's at the campus here and the edema, I've discovered, is due to toooo much time spent sitting in front of the computer and not taking enough breaks. Poor circulation. It goes away after a good night's sleep and does not come back as long as I break up the monotony...sooo the campus is just going to have to understand that I can't just sit for hours and not get up. There. One thing solved, and yes I have to get more excersize in.
I've started swimming but fallen away from it a little because it hasn't been very hot here the past 2 weeks (low 70's). The temp is rising again though so I hope to be back in the pool by the weekend.
Interestingly enough, one of my gums has healed, practically overnight so thank you for all the positive energy, thoughts and healing you sent my way!!! Now I KNOW I can heal it up, just need to do extra healing on it :)
More meditation is in order, for the anxiety. I've started putting my OM chant in the car. Funny to drive to work and hear other people's car radios rappin and rockin, while mine is going OOOOMMMMMMMMM......OOOOOOMMMMMM...... LOL Talk about your grounding.
I've been warm with a scratchy thraot through the past 24 hours and the anxiety is still here and it makes me feel like SMOKING. I am definitely under the weather and I feel lightheaded like crazy too. And I am in CRAVE CENTRAL. Yep. I know I will NOT smoke, but OMG if I had one right now I would love it. Maybe the invisible cig with the fingers to "Trick" the body into thinking you've got a puff , it really works on me, I c an fool my body, and I don't have to have any real puff. I've read threads on here that people have done that and it helps, ESPECIALLY TIMES LIKE THIS. Look at that meter, no way am I doing anything stupid. I'm almost to the beach and I'm going rto make it. But oh man it feels like day 20 right now.
Yikes! I'll be