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Wish me luck

18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jan58, How you gettin it, ok I hope. Really behind you on your first day. Can i ask, Patches, Turkey, Gum ??? Whatever works for you, RIGHT? Will be keepin an eye out for ya. AL.
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi gang, quit day minus 1 and counting. A little apprehensive considering ive fell flat on my face 12 times before. Today ive been practising, eg.... a cigarette every three hours, and for the first time in my smoking life i was acutely aware of my legs. what i mean is, when i lit that cigarette after the 3 hours, the veins and arteries in my legs ( only my legs i was conscious of) tightened. I could actually feel them tighten, its the only way i can describe it. In my 36 years of smoking i have never experienced this before. Now i know what is happening to my blood vessels and arteries, maybe its because im really concentrating on the cigarette when im smoking it this time (what it is physically doin to me etc) The other thing is i think its because i was walking at the time up a slight hill. If i had been sitting down i might never have noticed. Boy was i excited about this. The old maxim came to mind "know your enemy" In the three hour break in between cigs i think my vessels and veins are opening up, then i light the cigarette and shut them right down again. It excited me that much you would think id just discovered penicillin, but it had that kind of impact on me. As i am writing im thinking SMOKE, its coming up to my 3 hour smoke, as i wont be able to do this tomorrow im gonna try and see what else smoking affects (sensations etc,) sayin Hi to Rusty, Marie, Beto, and Phil thanks for all your support, I think im gonna need you guys over the next couple days. PS has this vein tightening happened to any one else would love to hear from ya.
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Janet, (Skidoo) You are sittin at 91 days, also amazin. Im gettin great strength in my ability to stop with you guys. you are all leading by amazing example. All my previous quits didnt have the benefit of this kinda thing,( the forum i mean). I didnt have access to the internet like i do now. Maybe it will make all the difference with this particular quit. Feelin very nervous, just dont wanna fail againnnnn. Speak soon Janet
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Tresa, Goin by your mileage meter it looks to me like you know what youre talkin about. Off cigarettes just over 4 years. WOW Thats amazing. i wanna be able to say that in 4 years time, with your help i hope. Its kick butt day tomorrow for me. Nice talkin with ya
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Guys just popped in to have a look around. Seems very quiet today. The party musta wore everyone out. What time did it wrap up. Had to cut out early but really enjoyed it while i was there. AL
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gonna, How u doin, You really tore me up when you said were goin to sell the kids on Ebay. Now thats funny. Had a good chuckle when i read that. Hang on to that sense of humour, it may serve you well as a weapon in the brave fight. AL
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jan58, Bet your glad you aint in a two legged race with me, Day two for you, Hope things are workin out for ya. Will still be watchin your progress, but from the sidelines for a while. Wishin you every sucess Jan. Speak to you soon, AL
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Grace, Thanks a lot for your positive words, because i dont feel very positive at the moment. As regards to feeling tired, I took my wife shopping this morning, In the car park outside the supermarket i fell asleep while waiting on her, at this stage i was about 3 hours into my quit. I fell asleep i think because i got tired arguing with the monkey on my back. When i awoke all i wanted was a smoke, so i suffered on for another 2 hours and finally caved in ,which i knew i would do. I barely spoke a word the rest of the day. My wife has been here before and knows how im feeling. Tonight we talked about maybe both of us taking a shot at it together. A combined effort so to speak. She quit before back in June with patches for 3 weeks, a minor family upheaval lit her up again, but i think she'll be ready again pretty soon. As for me i think im gonna review my cold turkey strategy and maybe use the patch. Dont give up givin up , isnt that how it goes. Anyhow I love hangin out here talkin to you guys. Thanks again Grace, Speak to you soon, AL
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gonna, Love hearing from you, Your comments are always crisp and to the point. THeres a freshness in your outlook which i hope aids you in your quit when you need it. Just gonna hang out at the forum for a couple of days, just to get my bearings again, a little demoralised after todays encounter. Hopefully teamin up with the wife for the next battle, a problem shared is a problem halved they say. Nice talkin to ya Gonna.... c ya soon. AL
18 years ago 0 44 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Guys, Its takin me all day to summon up the courage to touch my keyboard. Yeah, i hit the proverbial brick wall at six hours, and feel disgusted with myself since. I feel ive let myself down as well as all you guys. At six hours the monkey on my back was chattering non stop, drivin me insane, i felt i was at my own interrogation with me doin the interrogating, eg go on light it up, why torture yourself, you know youre gonna light up next week anyway so why do this to yourself, youre insane wanting to punish yourself this way. Then the usual excuses its not the right time, try much later. Physically the pain in my legs was intense, although i know my arteries and vessels were opening up i thought if i smoked it would stop the pain, wrong the pain was still there because they were shutting down again after i lit up. Really DISGUSTED. fEEL RIGHT THIS MINUTE I WILL NEVER GET OFF THIS MERRY GO ROUND. Had a strange thought in the middle of this tug o war, A friend of mine was in a bad car smash around 9 years ago, very lucky to survive, but was left in a coma for 5 months, He like me was a very heavy smoker, when he came round after 5 months someone offered him a cigarette, and everyone was stunned when he refused it, as they all knew how heavy he smoked, surprised this person asked the doctor why did he refuse the cigarette and the explanation given was that because of the accident and the coma my friend had no recollection of being a smoker. Just didnt remember. Today I envied him just a little, isnt that pathetic. I think i need something like a 3 month non smoking boot camp. Out in the wilderness somewhere far away from everything and all temptations and not a cigarette in sight for miles. FED UP FAILING. Sorry guys especially after all your encouragement.

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