Good Post Rob47. Though I've only been 'quit' for a short time, you seem to have a rather unique way of approaching your quit. And good for you as I also believe reality is only that which you believe. Your method is working for you and I applaud that.
So from one aging hippie (who doesn't feel like they fit in), to another, your post absolutely inflamed me! I think my struggle with craving nicotine will last for some time, but not for all time and certainly not years and years. Maybe this is pompous thinking, for all I know it could be junkie thinking! Then again I'm all of two weeks in my quit so just plain 'insane' might be more apropos. Bear with me!
However, I AM the exception to your statement that "talk to anyone who gave up alcohol, heroin, cocaine and you won't hear them saying they don't miss it". Well I can say it. I can say it loud and clear. I know addiction well, 23 years of it and I know what DTs are and I know what a low bottom is and I know we all have more than one bottom. I didn't have the good fortune to get sober in a nice treatment facility, or to talk with professional counselors, or have loving family & friends intervene for me. I shook it out alone at home, I dragged my sorry a** into a 12-step meeting & begged for help, I got desperate, I got humble and I got sober. Completely. And all the while I didn't get fired, didn't get arrested, didn't sell my possessions, wreck my car, steal . . . in fact I also accomplished quite a bit in my life during that time, rec'd more promotions ever in my career while in full blown addiction, etc.
It will be 16 years in October of no alcohol, no drugs, nothing mood altering (except this damn nicotine). Sometime in the ninth or tenth month of my first year of sobriety, I lost the craving. Completely. Since that time I have never dreamt of it, never had a fleeting thought of doing it, never 'wondered' what it might be like again, etc, etc. Nothing. Think of it as "sweet oblivion"? Never. Not even through the deaths of loved ones, through job loss, through heartache, or through success & joyous times.
I inwardly rejoice when I read of others here on SSC talk of not craving anymore. I sincerely believe they don't and that someday I won't either as long as I do not smoke. When that will be I