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21 years ago 0 73 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Suzy, to answer your questions on my feelings with the job -- haven't sat down and really dissected it yet - with all I have going on, I'm taking baby steps and just re-entering life again (it feels) working on my attitude and outlook - so for right now, I'm just doing my best to show up and be present in my life -- BUT -- it's still something I'm going to look at -- really feel it's worth asessing, even if I don't change jobs right away, it's something I want to look at because I feel like it's nearing a career change for me ..... been in the same line of work for about 13 years now, feeling the desire to do something TOTALLY different -- but, that'd add a lot of change to my life, thinking now's not the IDEAL time to do that ;) although, that IS my nature, stir things up when they don't need it ;) thanks again for that insight, it got the wheels turning and made me look at the situation with a different perspective....... hope you all are doing well tonight, finding some peace and getting a good night's rest -- I'm on my way to get some shut eye now...zzzzzzzz :) luv, SCBB
21 years ago 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks suzy. I actually had some kids who started calling me mom this year, and i too felt it was inappropriate. (B/c i was kind of hoping that the first person to call me mom would be my child! As i have none, it was a little wierd to be hearing!) Have a great night!
21 years ago 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
BETH. Thanks for the thumbs up on my stupidity today. I think its fantastic what you've chosen to do with your life. My first love is wowrking with teens. They sure take a lot of listening to and taking them seriously. When I ws sorking and my kids were young teens, as I drove into the parking lot after work, I hd about 8 - 10 boys come over yelling..'hi, mom'. I said I couldn't possibley have that many kids the same age and shouldn't disrespect thier own moms, so they'd have to come up with another title for me. They chose "Uncle Sue". Now that they are all grown and have families of thier own, they still call me Uncle Sue, which I love! My house was like a drop in centre all the time, and mom ws quite ill at the time and took a lot of my time, so together we st up 2 nights a week when they could all come over and we had a group discussion around the kitchen table discussing each ones' problems. It wowrked really well. I really enjoyed those days, and today with so many teens on their own, I'd love to get back into working with them, but have to awaken my brain first. Wishing you well in your endeavors and lost of love, SUZY. :) :)AND HUGS.
21 years ago 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Suzy, your too funny! Thanks for the support! Adolescents is my main focus as well, b/c i also work with them. I work with grade seven and eights, and i love it! (Those were also some of the worst years of my life, and although its a little late, i know now that i was normal!) I'm studying psychology at school (go figure), and am really interested in working with adolescents with anxiety disorders. I can't explain it, but it just seems like what i was meant to do. I just feel like there's so much to be done there! Thanks again!
21 years ago 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
LADY..sorry for thE confussion in my posts. As I said, I think I'm brain-dead today with my back-on-patches situation. I'm sort of scared about getting back on them, as I don't want to fail again, and its made me a very confused and anxious puppy. I'm sure I'll be o.k, and will be leaving on some get-away time in the van for a few days or more. Hope that helps. I'll be able to relax, do some swimming and carving to take my mind off my quit. Also, have been trying to lessen some of my doses of meds, but not working. so going to put that away for awhile and get back on the full doses. Have a very happy day, and Lots of love. LUV, SUZY. :confuse:
21 years ago 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0 glad you made things right with your boss. And sometimes its good to open up and say things that are hidden. Its hard to talk about things you don't want to, but with opening up, it sort of gives you a release so you can go on to the next issue. Have you re-evaluated where you want to be in your life, or is this a job that you really enjoy doing? We discussed this before, and was wondering where your space is right now after the talk with your boss. Have a good day and God Bless...LUV, SUZY. :)
21 years ago 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
MY GOODNESS. DID IT AGAIN. I was right the first time. So confused today. Fisrst day of my re-quit and brtain-dead at the moment. SORRY, SORRY, SORRY!!!!! LUV, SUZY. :( :blush:
21 years ago 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ooops... my lasst post was for Lady. Sorry for the confusion. Lots of posts to answer, but what I posted Lady, regarding your finals, is for you. SO SORRY for the error. LADY...Posted a mesage to you under Beth's name. Its for you. SO SORRY for the glich. Lots of posts to anwer and got the names mixed up. Good luck, and God Bless. LUV, SUZY.
21 years ago 0 77 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beth. I'm sure you'll do ell in your finals and I wish you all the luck in the world. Just keep focused and I'm sure you know the work. Just use lyour logic and take your time. You'll do great. The coarse you are taking is a very dear none to me as I've always talked and worked with adolescents. They cana be wo miss-undertood and in a difficult place in their lives. Not children anymore, but not adults either. They seem to swing back and forth from one side of thier age to the other, not knowing where they really are and want they really want out of life. I find listening is the best tool when dealing with them. Good luck and God Bless you. You go, girl and reach for the top!! LUV, SUZY.
21 years ago 0 73 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beth, you still have your sense of humor :) I know about the procrastinating -- my production level is way down at work right now and that is creating anxiety for me - so, I'm going to try to go in and just give it a good go and get some stuff done - therefore eliminating the source of my anxiety and rebuilding my self esteem.... that's the plan anyway ;) so, here's to us both achieving our goal of the day! -SCBB -- right now, the goal is to be in bed, sleeping BEFORE midnight :) (I'm on the west coast so it's about 10:15pm right now) ok, off I go -- best wishes to all of us for a peaceful night's rest.

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