Smokin' Mirrors, Really. Illusion #5
A reason why everything happens for sure. My orginal writing on this was erased because my computer froze and didn't have it saved yet as I was just typing away when the urge hit...luckily I wasn't too far in....Sooooo. starting over. I am good at that. It is succeeding at what I started that is the real challenge for me. But I find myself doing it now. With a little help from my friends here. :)
Starting over. That could have been the title of this writing. So could "A Quitting Decision". Well I suppose what this is called is alot less important than what it contains. So, on that note, I am going to tell you a story, but not as much as what I am about to let you in on. You see, awhile back, when I was smoking, I was eagerly looking for ways to change. I earnestly 'tried' to quit. I really did. NOT. I didn't quit until I made the decision to quit. PERIOD. But that's another story. This is about a smokin' mirror. My own. And if you stay with me, you may even discover yours...
By the way, are you smoking? If so please put out the cigarette. Yes, right now, and I don't care if you just lit it or if it is half way through. Just put it out. If you need convincing that is not my job. Go read elsewhere. But whatever you are thinking about at this moment, think for a moment that what I am about to tell you is MORE important than smoking, butt you need to put the smoke out before I tell you what it is. Did you do it? Did you put it out? Did you wait until you took that last drag or did you snuff it right away? Be Honest. What is that you say, you are honest BUTT you are still lying to yourself about what smoking really means to you? Well, if you did, then congratulations!! That means that you ALREADY know that there IS something MORE IMPORTANT than smoking! And you are right where I was NOT in the decision to quit! Fabulous!!! I suggest you set your quit date right away and begin working this program. You are well on your way to living a very successful smoke free life!
As for myself, I was NOT there. It took me a long time to get to that point. Why? BECAUSE NOTHING WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN SMOKING. Nope, not even me! Can you believe it?? NOT EVEN ME! ::GASP:: ME!
Are you still smoking? If you are please put it out