Hello Mama! x
I am sorry that you are going through a tough time right now. I want you to think about the following, its important.
Ok first of all, money is money. It comes it goes.. we get stressed about it, but can you remember a time in your life when you did not have enough money to eat food? No. I bet you cant.
Secondly, you know that you CANT just smoke ONE cigarette or even a packet. If you smoke, then you will be smoking all day every day. How much is that going to cost you. Thank god you dont have to smoke anymore, thank god you dont have to spend any more money on it.. every single day. Have you forgotten how much it cost?
Thirdly, and I think almost most importantly. Smoking wouldnt take away your stress, it would only add to it. People that smoke are more stressed than people that dont smoke because
a) they need to consistently relieve withdrawal pangs
b) we only remember cigarettes as relieving stress, because it withdrew a pang for nicotine. But you only needed one drag on a cigarette to withdraw that pang.. but i bet you didnt just smoke one drag of a cigarette huh?
You can see clearly now. How fantastic is it that for the first time you are beginning to learn NEW COPING MECHANISMS.. you are no longer burying your head in the sand.. or rather in a cloud of smoke!
You cant hide anymore. You can deal with life, you can live life. What freedom! Well done you!
Remember when I posted that my heart was broken, when I had split up with my partner? (and i did feel terrible like my insides had been ripped out) we did sort things out and things are ok again. Now i wanted to smoke then.. i really wanted to smoke. But I didn't instead I handled the situation WITHOUT smoking, and I feel so proud of myself for doing that. i felt stronger in my quit for doing that.
Smoking will not help your situation. It will FOR SURE only make matters worse!
Ok, now for your teenagers! I had kids like that. My world fell apart a few years ago and I thought i was going to lose my house etc, I had to fight for it. My kids instead of being supportive, they added more stress and continued to place demands. I put my foot down. You know what that actually taught them something.
Last month I went out for dinner with my eldest, and she said,