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18 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My List is GRRRROWWWINNNGGG. Thank You!!!!! First of all...Rusty? You are hilarious!! Got a great chuckle out of your response. In fact, I think you should reward yourself for making me laugh today!! Gone on. Don't be shy!! Do it for me!!! hahahaha I insist!!!!!!!!!! WONDERFUL SUGGESTIONS SO FAR (and I'm going to try them all!!!) Massage Chair (excellent idea for stress relief/tension) Special Coffee Mug (Lovely new item to replace the one that used to go with my coffee...the dreaded smoke!!) Grow a new Plant (I love this one...provides action/keeps my mind busy and guages growth of plant AS WELL AS THE quit) Clean the House (I actually LOVE this is a HUGE stress reliever for date has been one of my only useful methods.) Self Gifting (I'm currently if the smoking thing wasn't careful with this one...but the dollar store might give me the same affect!!) Reward Intervals (plan daily, weekly, monthly, etc....SUPER idea!) Lavendar Oil (I've heard that it is most affective in providing a calm response if 1) You use "the real thing" as opposed to oils that simply smell like lavendar...purchase at health food store, etc. and 2) If you use it as an incense or 3) Apply directly to wrists and smell OFTEN for relief. Feed the Ducks - Or whatever!!! Find your favourite place and simply sit for a while and collect yourself. SOME NEW TECHNIQUES I'VE FOUND OR READ ABOUT (but have not confirmed with a person attempting smoking you let me know!!) SAUNA ROOM (reports of great stress relief) TANNING SALON (UV lights have been known to stimulate the happy response I am looking for...BUT caution that all things must be done in cancer is just as offensive as lung cancer, I'm sure!!) READING (Great Escapism...good to take your mind off your own life for a while) WRITING (I prefer short stories or poetry...but lately...LOVE preparing posts!!!) ....this is helping me immensely...I hope it helps someone else at the same time!!! Please keep them coming because after a while...rewards become regular and usual...commonplace...and then lose their effectiveness for me...likely some of you as well. ...Share all your new ideas...I, for one, would LOVE to hear them. Good luck to
18 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Goodness me...I almost logged out without a respone to you Shevie!! You initiated this thread for me!!!!! I'm really trying it all. Certainly I can keep this up until my own body, mind and soul are able to return to "normal" without a reward system...a chemical dependency, etc. It is my dream to become healthy and to enjoy each precious moment JUST BECAUSE!! I thought I had been...apparently, it's been the cigarettes all along...BUT...I'll get it back!! In the interim, the withdrawals are shameful for me...not with you folks because you understand...But for the people I love and respect in my real life...the ones who don't quite understand. Thank you for your support...and inspiration. I wish you and everyone else a lovely spring day!!...and countless hours of joy!!
18 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
...just rewarded myself AGAIN!!! Feeling very upbeat and cheerful. I bet you are wondering which reward I used???? heehee, I'll never tell!!! I was inspired to share two more thoughts...a couple more rewards...1. GO TO/RENT A FUNNY MOVIE/LAUGH OUT LOUD...2. Tell your family how much they mean to you...something wonderful about each one of them, in particular!! Time for my deep breathing exercises...long walk with the hubby and kids...bath/bedtime for the a little tv...come back here later with a cup of green tea while enhaling my aromatherapy candle and listening to my new CD!!! Oh...this quit is actually becoming enjoyable. It's becoming a "virtual" experience...better than a real holiday...much more creative. Am I going to crash soon? (please tell me NO) This is too fun.
18 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Boy!! Do I have a list forming now!! I've gathered so much information on this particular topic...lots of good websites out there for us, in addition to the fantastic resources available here. These are some ready references for you. And I am still accepting/soliciting more of your ideas...What works for you? What have you heard of? I am taking bits and pieces and trying to adopt it into my own's working well so far...maybe it will help some of you too!!! Updated and current (based on research and comments from others); Massage (chair type or other) - relaxation SPECIAL, new mug to enjoy coffee or tea - change Plant a seed/gardening - growth Clean House - distraction/instant accomplishment Self Gifting (free to extravagent..your preference) - instant reward Planned Reward Intervals (1 day/month, etc.) - encouragement Reading - escapism/relaxation Journaling/Writing - relaxation Lavendar Oil/Aromatherapy - relaxation Green Tea - antioxidant/stress reliever Take an extra break - instant reward Sauna - reportedly relaxing Tanning Salon - reportedly mood enhancing (caution here please) Put out flowers - instant rewards Sweets - instant reward (caution here please) Wear comfortable clothing - relaxation Extra sleeping time where possible (even 5 minutes) - rest Volunteer if able - distraction/uplifting ...and last but not research indicates that you should... Have sex!!! - apparently loads of goodness in this experience!!! (as if we didn't all know this...but studies show that during times of stress, we are LESS likely to engage in the activity...when in fact, we should be engaging...more often!!!!)
18 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello to All...I'm new to this site and hope that I am not pushing myself on everyone by posting this particular discussion topic. I have greatly enjoyed the responses that I've received in the short time that I've been a member here. So first and foremost...thank you! This post concerns my interest in one of the discussions posted by Shevie, yesterday. It has spiked my interest and given me a "project", sort to occupy my craving time and contribute to my success!! I plan to utilize the internet as well as your personal thoughts to prepare a list of REWARDS...that might work for me!! Shevie talked about the reason for our bad moods, irritability and general uneasiness...UNHAPPINESS..during times of cessation. This was key for me!! Perhaps it will be for others. At this time, I am petitioning all of you, to bring forward some of your "reward" suggestions. The simple but specific ones, that is. Obviously, I know what a reward is...and how it is unique to each person....What I need help with, is remembering some of these simple pleasures. I've smoked since I was 14...and just can't seem to remember a reward other than cigarettes. Sad statement that is!!! HOWEVER...the good news is that I have tried walking...deep breathing...healthy snacking...listening to music...and of course, posting to this support group (etc)...and it's ALL WORKING!!! I haven't felt grumpy for 24 hours. That's amazing for me...since this is quit number 5 and the grumpiness is usually my reason for a return to butts! I have a couple of new rewards to mention...LAVENDAR OIL...and FEEDING THE DUCKS. I'm adding them to my own list. I found them on this support site. I can't believe I didn't think of them myself. I realize that not all of these things will help everyone...but I'm sure that you folks have MANY MORE ideas that I haven't thought of. Some will certainly help me...some might help others!! Could you please post them, for me...and for any other suffering soul who needs to remember how to reward themself!!! God bless...Cheers...and thanks!!! I'll be checking back to this area a lot!!!!
18 years ago 0 48 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
wonderful site, we should all benefits from this thread. -i have rewarded myself with 2 chair massages.(got nauseated both times, the therapist said it was toxins being released from tight muscles and entering my system to be released) good! -instead of drinking my 1st cup of coffee out of an ordinary coffee cup my husband went to an antique store and bought me a fine bone china tea cup/saucer with beautiful rose pattern. i now use this. my mind thinks this is really pampering. i have a cute little spoon to go along with it. -i also planted a tomato plant in a large container and i water it daily. it grows slowly(like my quit)so it reminds me that not all good things come quickly. and i will be rewarded by it's fruit. (tomatoes are a fruit you know)lol -since i haven't purchased smokes, i made myself a bank and sealed it with tape and drop the equivalent of money into it that i would have spent on smokes. i have never had a bottle of dom perionge(spell check) before, so for my 3 month quit i will purchas a $120.00 bottle of champagne and not flinch an inch about how much it costs. it will probably be the one and only time. -i find by rewarding others i benefit also, so i got my cookbook out and made 2 chocolate cream pies topped with merigine all from scratch. crust and all. sent them babies 2 different directions, one as a thank you gift, and the other my husband took proudly to work. by 9:00 am, a get a phone call from him with so much praise, you think i'd invented air conditioning or something. thank for this link, i think it will be fruitful. -shamrock meg- [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/23/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 40 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 688 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $142 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 9 [B]Mins:[/B] 59 [B]Seconds:[/B] 2
18 years ago 0 852 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Firstly. congratulations on your quit!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a great post. I too, will be making my list. I do reward myself a lot, but I want new ideas. I too get chair massages. They are free at our Brookstone store. My friend also bought one, so everytime I am there, I sieze the opportunity! They do sometimes make me nauseaous too from the pain, but it is a good pain....... AAAAHHHHHHHH ((FREE)) I also spend time with my girls. This is a reward for me. I also put them off. "Let me finish my smoke," "Just one more minute", etc.. I spent most of my time in the garage, smoking. So now, we have a manicure/pedicure time once a week. They love it. ((FREE)) We also go on walks almost every night. This too is a reward, because it is time for us, as a family. ((FREE)) We also get a smoothie once a week. Not very expensive. ((LOW-COST)) I have started my own vegetable garden. It is now a hobby and a reward, as I can buy more plants. ((LOW-COST)) New books. ((LOW-COST)) This summer, I plan to go the beach a lot. Family time. ((FREE)) I will also take up free-style swimming. Again, family time. ((FREE)) I look forward to seeing everyone elses responses!!!! :) [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 3/5/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 58 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 1,754 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $189.66 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 4 [B]Hrs:[/B] 16 [B]Mins:[/B] 58 [B]Seconds:[/B] 16
18 years ago 0 2364 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey you cant forget the donuts [IMG][/IMG] and of course a treadmill to even out the effects of donuts. Cuddles It's better to be a non-smoker with an occasional desire for a cig than a smoker with a constant desire to quit...... [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 4/22/2006 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 10 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 213 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $36 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 1 [B]Hrs:[/B] 2 [B]Mins:[/B] 19 [B]Seconds:[/B] 39
18 years ago 0 112 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have really enjoyed the rewards part of this whole process. I did stop doing the rewards after a few months in and it was a mistake. I got back into it to keep my motivation up. The first week I rewarded myself everyday with clothes, shopping, and private walks. I was very disoriented and wierd so most of the clothes went back (what was I thinking??) but it was the process that was a reward. I went for a motorcycle ride almost every night - good think I quit in the summer. As a mom, I often don't make time for myself. Riding my bike calmed me and soothed the crave. A wonderful reward. I have also spent big bucks but I justify it by comparing to the cost of smokes in Canada. Outrageous. My six month anniversary gift was going to be an emerald ring but I bought it at 3 months instead. ;) Then at six months I was off the reward thing and got depressed - starting going out to dinner and walking again. For my one year, which is just around the corner, I've bought myself a Pandora bracelet with a couple of beads. I'm going to buy twelve beads (over a period of due to $$$) to represent twelve months of victory. I wasn't good at thinking of no cost things, besides the walks and the bike, because I felt so ripped off at not having my smokes anymore. Had them since I was 15 and didn't know how to live without them. I'm better at it now! There's hope for all of us. [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 6/6/2005 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 330 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 5,951 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $2376 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 30 [B]Hrs:[/B] 14 [B]Mins:[/B] 17 [B]Seconds:[/B] 47
18 years ago 0 2027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What a fantastic thread, WQ! :) I'm glad you realize rewards can be free or at least low cost. Some of my free/low-cost rewards have been: Not having to worry about the direction of the wind when my wife and I flop in the park for an afternoon. Being able to keep the window up in the van when driving in the rain. Lying in bed for a while after waking up. Watching [u]and enjoying[/u] an entire show on PBS or cable (no commercial breaks) without missing part or wishing it would hurry up and get done. Having an uninterrupted conversation with my wife (comfortable inside), or just snuggling on the couch (something we hadn't done in years). Extended browsing in a bookstore. Being able to sit inside at the coffee shop if outside is uncomfortable (used to have to have a cig with coffee). Volunteering at our dog agility club's competitions. I can run now and do things without interuption for a smoke. Moderately priced rewards: Music CDs. I have not bought, or really had any interest in, music for decades (since teen years). Now I can't get enough. Gym membership and workout clothes. An afternoon riding go-karts almost non-stop (my 1 week reward). A dinner cruise on a local "steamboat" tour of a canyon lake (my 100 day/3 month/birthday reward). Sat at the bow where the view was the best and there were no exhaust fumes. Smokers sat in the rear with the noisy "paddlewheel", exhaust fumes and a receding view. Expensive rewards: Treadmill for the house. Just got it Saturday. Life Fitness T3-0. Set of drums for my 1 year reward (won't it ever get here!?!?). Personally, I think the freebies are the best. To be doing something, then realizing "Gee, I'm not wanting a cig" and then the further realization that I haven't had any form of smoking or quitting thought for some time is, to me, the most awesome reward there is. Every quitter can reach this point if they just stick it out. It is sooooo worth anything and everything you might have to go through. :) Shevie [B]My Milage:[/B] [B]My Quit Date: [/B] 5/23/2005 [B]Smoke-Free Days:[/B] 344 [B]Cigarettes Not Smoked:[/B] 6,892 [B]Amount Saved:[/B] $1307.2 [B]Life Gained:[/B] [B]Days:[/B] 64 [B]Hrs:[/B] 5 [B]Mins:[/B] 44 [B]Seconds:[/B] 53

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