hi there - a newbie with a dilemma. I want to get back to work, but my last few work experiences weren't, well, stellar. Well, they weren't horrendous either, I did the work part fine, very well in some areas according to performance reviews, but i just missed work a fair bit and put in a lot of overtime because of having difficulty concentrating when i was in attendance (i have ADD as well). My employers said they would give me positive references but I have twice now gotten to the reference stage of interview processes , usually the "rubber stamp" from references, and not gotten hired. Although they won't tell me i suspect its because i don't have a reliable attendance record due to having to take time off work. i only got the ADD diagnosis two yrs ago, along with another physical disorder (similar to MS) and started a new treatment regime that is working pretty well for me now though so I am confident i won't run into these attendance issues again, but even so - is it fair to discriminate against me because my health may require me to actually use my sick time? i didn't go over the limit in either case. - any advice on how to deal with this in the hiring process would be appreciated. I guess its sort of a to disclose or not to disclose question as well.