Hi I am a wife, mom of three, and constantly arguing with my husband.
My dr. has said I am suffering with depression and on top menopause.
I am 44. kids are all finally in school this year. trying to find a daytime job but still have flexibility to be their taxi, nothing seems to be going right.
I love my kids but right this moment I am having a hard time having any loving feelings towards my husband. he wants us to be happy but he doesn't see that his cruel words and anger towards me only push me further into this hole. I came on here to try and get myself better. I look for work everyday not because I have the motivation but because we need me to be working for financial reasons. I have no desire to be intimate with him, nor hug or kiss him. sometimes I barely look at him, with no reason and he is fed up with my lack of intimacy. I am trying to get myself better, but then he puts me down gets angry and says horrible things to me, threatens to leave me, tells me he doesn't love who I am becoming. and all that just makes me want to give up completely I mean why bother then trying to heal.