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How do you not screw up a job?

10 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi 4L4A,
Yes! I experienced these feelings!! I was always thinking about the possibilities with what I could screw up my job! And I was always trying to avoid those pitfalls.
but I have a question back to you: why should you screw it up this time? Why couldnt it just work out this time?
What would be if you would imagine a positive future in which you do your job well and you would count as much as anyone else at your employer and you would not look like someone who does not meet the minimum requirements? What, if you could imagine that you are just as normal of an employee as anyone else and if you get sick one day, that would still be OK, since that is kind of normal?
Not sure how you are doing now?
10 years ago 0 619 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The best thing you could do for yourself is to control your symptoms of depression so you could feel better and be more assertive with people. CBT is really great for those who persist with it. Not for everyone since it requires some work, principally at the beginning.
10 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0



There are several causes of depression. Stress has been a popular topic here lately.

Depression is clearly associated with stress, negative life events and problems in living. Stressful life events have been found to be associated with general health and well-being.

Research has shown that people report an increased number of stressful life events in the weeks leading up to a depressive episode. Any change in the environment, even a positive one, can result in the experience of stress. So, for example, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the end of a relationship can all be considered as significant stressful events.

However, even positive changes such as marriage, promotion at work, birth of a child, going away to school, or moving to a new home can also cause stress.

The most common problems in living in adult life include the break-up of romantic relationships, conflict, disagreements and disputes in relationships at work or home, role transitions (adolescent to adult, student to employee, single life to marriage, parenthood, children leaving home, retirement), death of a loved one, financial problems, unemployment, racism, discrimination, harassment, bullying, poor physical health, and any number of traumatic events.

Stressful life events have specific effects on stress hormones and neurotransmitters in our brains. The effects of stress hormones on the brain may even increase a persons vulnerability to depression.

Depression is associated with specific problems with the balance of many neurotransmitters as well as physical, behavioural and psychological symptoms. It makes sense that the chemistry of the brain is changed in depression. We know that the body and the brain are not separate. How we feel, think and behave is related to changes in chemicals in the brain.

Maybe more importantly, it seems that experiencing depression actually changes how the brain responds to stress. It seems that once a person has had one episode of depression, their brain shows an exaggerated stress response to relatively minor stressors.

In other words, while an initial episode of depression may be triggered by a major negative life event, later episodes of depression may be triggered by more minor negative life events. Perhaps this is why depression can become a chronic problem.

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10 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I am new to this site. I was diagnosed with depression about nine years ago.

Long story short, I am working a job that for the first time where I haven't already screwed it up (I'm two months in). No diciplinary action because I've skipped work, no letters of concern from the bosses or schedulers, etc. You know the deal.
I've been finding it hard again lately to not skip out though. I have a wedding in the fall and a one year old son, so you would think they are good motivators, and they are. I have skipped out a couple of times, unnoticed, thanks to the nature of my job. I woke up one day and forced myself to go the whole day, but I kept having thoughts of just wanting to go home. Lay in bed or the couch and watch TV... mind numbing tube time. I do that a lot. House is a mess, phone calls to make, things to do... but I just watch TV or sleep. Anyway, so far so good on the not getting into trouble part yet, but I feel I am dangerously close to risking my job in the possible near future... one things that will set me off... constantly wondering if I can do it. If I can keep and work a stable job. No skipping out or being "sick". 
Any advice? Anyone experiencing this? Anyone experienced this but much later is still at the same job? How did you do it? What do you tell yourself?


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