I have not seen this topic posted here, so I thought I would throw the idea out there as a cautionary tale.
When I was first prescribed Zoloft, within a few hours, after just 1 pill, I felt 100% better. Back to old my self, better than my old self. My doc said it should take 6-8 weeks to start working, so I extremely pleased it had started right away.
Before that, I had all the major depressive symptoms (can read details on my blog), was a danger to myself, felt like I was walking/functioning though molasses every moment of ever day. All of that lifted in one dose. : )
I was ecstatic! Within a week, I went manic (the bad, mixed kind). Pacing, thought I was a famous author, could not sleep, talking super fast, etc. Doc was shocked, pulled me off.
When pulled off, I immediately went right back down to where I was. Doc tried Lexapro, same thing happened.
Finally got put on Bipolar meds and all is well (after sever med tries, Lamical has been my lifesaver).
Basically, I learned that if the meds work right away, that is a bad, bad sign. My doc said that should never happen. The meds should cause a slow improvement.
So hang in there! Meds taking a while? That is normal. Meds working immediately? Go see the doc to check things out.
Just some food for thought.