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Diva's rainy days...

15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Luciana,
Thank you for your congratulations. I have spent several decades of my life getting self-worth from being an intellectual and being scholarly. I have studied and I have set goals that were linked to this intellectual life and capactity. Also, everyone is always proud of my scholastic acheivements. As such I invested most of my energies being this, doing this "intellectual" thing. So now, if I decide to go another way. If I decide to do what I want and be who I want to be, I am breaking away from this way of life. I am going towards something I was not encouraged to do. I am going towards something I wasn't ever praised for. I am going into something where I am an "old" beginner and behind on others my age. I am leaving behind all my hard work and what I am good at. It is a leap of faith. It is going blindly into the unknown and not knowing how I will manage. It is not knowing how people will react or if they will ever be proud of me again. It is turning my back on everything I have BEEN and WORKED for my ENTIRE EXISTENCE! It is LETTING GO of my PRIMARY SOURCE of SELF-WORTH, to gamble on something new and unknown and very scary! It is changing who I am, no BECOMING who I am and it is scary as H*** because what if I am finally myself and people don't like me! What if I am finally doing what I like and want and everyone hates it and mocks me! It is scary but I want to do this. I want to be me, I want to breathe. I want to take a joyous leap into the unknown and fly!!!
P.S: You are right, without having walked the path that I have walked I would not be who I am!

15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva, I think you know that I am ABD (all but dissertation) in my studies.  I too have found that it is not as important as it once was.  No one can take away my educational achievement, not finishing my doctoral degree does not make me less intelligent and I can use my education to do other things (like your list of interests and "to do list".  I think it provides us with transferable skills and the education is not a means to an end; it is just a means.
I think you should make up your own mind about your own education.  I just threw my two cents in there.  As we grow, live, learn, our priorities change and there's nothing wrong with that.
Oh, I am so glad that you are following your other dreams!
15 years ago 0 224 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hello once again Diva,

I can now better understand what you meant by the cat / dog story as it applies to your life. First of all congratulations on all of your academic achievements, that is certainly something to be proud of. You said that you feel like you have invested a lot of time in being an "intellectual" and now find it hard to throw all that away and start over in something else. What makes you feel this way?

Also, just because you do not want to be an "intellectual" it does not mean that you are throwing it all away. Life is about learning, changing and growing as a person. Think about it, the path you took lead you to where you are today, without it, maybe you would not be the same wonderful you.

From what I can tell, it seems that you already know or are at least are discovering more about the person who you want to be (someone who loves fantasy, dreaming, music, pictures, languages). It's great that your husband is so encouraging and supportive of you.

Again, keep moving forward, the future is not yet to come, and it holds endless possibilities.

Members, what or who has helped you make changes in your life?

Luciana - Bilingual Health Educator

15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, I think I am making progress. I also had written last night on my Independance thread.
I find this process difficult but very worthwhile. I am finally figuring out what I want and who I want to be. and also what I don't want!
The dog and cat metaphore posted at the beginning of this thread is a metaphore of how I feel right now. All my life I have been praised for my intellectual capacities. I am told I am smart, sometimes brilliant. I succeed well at school and have made the dean's list. Despite my depression I have a good reputation as a scholar with my school teachers and my surroundings. I have worked hard and graduated university. I havew been admitted to the doctorate's program and should be starting up again in september. All my life I have been praised for my intellectual prowess. Despite other things I may have done, its that thing that seems to "set me apart and make me special". So I get a lot of my sense of self-worth from intellectual prowess! As such, I have always been considered an Intellectual. I have always thought myself and intellectual because of it. As it is what gets me praise it quickly became something I put effort in and something I worked really hard at. I invested a lot of time and effort in my "intellectual carreer". I have built my life around it and invested i it and set my future goals around it!
But when I think of what I really am and what I really want, school and intellectual things don't really figure into it! 
Yes I am intellectual to a certain extent. I love learning and I have curious able mind! That will not ever change! But when asked what I really am and what I really like I would say: I am quirky and passionate. I am a dork and a geek and a nerd. I love fantasy and dreams. I love music and pretty pictures and new languages because I find them musical!  I want to be a bard, a modern day minstrel! I want to sing and learn the piano and the guitar! I want to be free and breathe and live! I want to dance! I want to learn how to draw and I want to draw fantasy art! I want to write a fantasy book!I want to love and live ang laugh! I want to be free and bohemian and creative and happy! I want to throw my passions in all sort of creative forms of expression! I want to be me no holds bar!
As such, it feels like my whole life I thought I was one thing and now I hav e discovered I am another! Like a cat discovering it is a cat and not a dog after all!
I am rethinking going back to school. I am not sure that is what I want for myself. Of course I have lots of time to figure it out until spetember and I am making no snap decision or taking no rash actions! But I am not sure anymore that the life of a scholar is something I want. I find my studies interested but I am not sure I want the stress and anguish the intellectual performance requires! It seems to me that when I give myself free reign to dream myself up, studying does not figure into it! But I have invested a lot in being an "intellectual". It makes it hard to throw all that away and start over in something else.
 But I think, now that my husband has given me so much support and given me the right to not work and be happy and just try and figure it all out, it gives me freedon to think and dream. I am slowly figuring who I am and what I want out. I find it to be difficult but worthwhile!
I have a lot to think about!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I decided that Diva News was a long enough thread as is. And Diva's independance day I kinda wanted to keep for happier news and successes and breakthroughs and what not. So I figured ah well, might as well start yet another thread! So here goes!
...what if you always thought you were a dog and so you invested all your energy in being a dog, in fact in being the best dang dog you could be, in trying to be the best dang dog ever! And you invested and tired yourself out and invested some more! And you built all your life and your plans around being a dog and the dog possible...And then you realized you really were a cat and not a dog at all...Then what?!?
Sorry for not posting more and sorry for not answering anyone else tonight. I will try and be more ehlpful soon!

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