I have had so many aha moments lately while reviewing my med history in my mind (no pun intended) Meds helped me in some ways and ruined me in others. Now Im back on the vicious cycle. The good news is I think I figured it out. I have a pretty good idea what happened. About 8 years ago life was good. Then one day driving to work I had my first panic attack, I never thought I was depressed, but after seeing doctors they thought that was the case. thus the trials of SSRI's. Nothing worked for the panic until Effexor. The problem was these meds caused mania and I didnt know it or what was happening. I started behaving different and long story short it ruined my life.
So, now I have been on Mirtazipine. Im still depressed, still have bad anxiety if I drive, I weigh more than ever and I sleep 15 hrs a day once I finally get to sleep. The pdoc was leaning toward a tricyclic AD. The problem is the histimine action. Its a problem now as is weight gain. Effexor worked well. I just needed a mood stabilizer as well. So, right now as far as weight gain, I have the odds against me. Meds that cause it and make you hungry and quit smoking as well. Tough mix.
I think im going to insist on the Effexor. Im sure he will understand. Plus Im the one taking it. They know my first choice is NO meds, but sadly that didnt work. I hope one day it will. I hate meds. Any thoughts?