OK, I luced out yesterday and saw the new Pdoc, just went in to get my blood taken and the new one was there. So we talked and he OK'd starting Effexor. Generic. So after two doses I think I feel different or it my imagination. I didnt want to sleep forever as bad, but I still on mirtazipine, so have to finish weaning off of that.
Im a little worried though, the new med will cost more. Im hoping my theraputic level witll stal low so it can stay around 60 a month. No job, no ins right now. I have to base my care around what I can afford. I saw adds about buying meds online from the great country from the north, so Im going to look in to that. It would save a lot, But will have to wait to see my dose. What a pain. Can it be 1975 again, please! When life was simple.