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Not good yet

15 years ago 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lance, how was your day yesterday?  I notice your daughter emailed you, yay, great news.  One step in the positive direction.
I agree with goofy, cry if you need to.  There is no shame in the release of feelings.  We have been conditioned to hide them and pretend they don't exist, but if you can release them, it means you are more evolved than those who conditioned us to hide them.
Take your time and really feel the feelings before letting them go.  I have been trying this exercise and wow, at first it is very difficult to concentrate on the negative feelings without pushing them away, but after focussing on the feeling and the reasons behind the feelings, I feel a bit better about having them.
15 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lance, noone around here gets to quit - we just keep on keeping on and if it means sounding off everyday so be it.  If you need to air it out so be it.  If you need to adjust to meds, so be it.  Be you and give yourself permission to cry.  It is okay.  I believe when we cry and we've denied ourselves that release in the past - we cry for all those things.  So when you start crying - let those tears flow - be proud that you are a caring feeling person.  If you think things when you cry or about certain things - write them down - throw them away! 
Lonely is tough.  I live alone, I know lonely....but I also know this place, a phone number or two, a chat room or two, have many things I can do to work on NOT being depressed.  If I start working on those I don't usually have time to think about how lonely it can be at times. 
kittykat - I like your kittykat!!!! 
15 years ago 0 113 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Lance,

It sounds to me that the meds might be causing you to feel the way you are feeling now, I say give your body time to adjust...hopefully tomorrow will be better.

15 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Getting out of bed hasnt been an issue. Its sleeping in too long that has. It may be the mirtazipine or just the fact that I dont have a will to go on some days. 

Ive been on the meds for a while, im just getting back on to the dose that was working and giving it the time.

I tried to go off meds, cause I didnt want to rely on them and I crashed.

15 years ago 0 224 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lance, I'm happy to see that you did get to the doctor's office yesterday and that you did manage to get out of bed today.
I agree with furgittit, give the medication some time to work. You've only been on it for a day. Still, if you feel that it is not working or doing you any good, go back to the doctor and let him know. 

Don't give up, you have it in you to become the person you want to be.

Luciana, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If I am not allowed to quit, neither are you.
Give the med's time to start working, I swear it took mine months to finally even things  out so that I wasn't crying all the time (when I drove, at work, in the bath, at the doctors, everywhere).
Good thing you have gotten out of bed for 3 days in a row.  Let's make it 4.  Rah, rah, siss, boom, bah.  It seems, I am cheerleader material after all.  Take that cheerleading squad.
Now, let me know if that made you smile, even if for a millisecond.
And remember, all of us are here to listen and share.
15 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is hard to do when your alone all the time. Can I quit yet?
15 years ago 0 194 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I still dont know what to think, it seems hopeless still. Yesterday I was up by 9 went in to the city, went to a meeting and to the doctor. Raised the mirtazipine back up and added a beta blocker for anxiety. Now today, Im back feeing hopeless, scared etc. didnt get up till after 1:00. Hoe am I going to ever have a life like this, be with my kids again. I was doing better, now im not. 

Do I need more time? im 47 and cry! I dont feel like Im in control of my life, I miss my kids. 

I dont know what to do, I am scared again.

15 years ago 0 224 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Furgittit, you are not annoying at all! Your ideas and thoughts are very insightful. I have been reading through them and every time I think to myself how well said they were.

Keep sharing, we love hearing from you.

Luciana, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ashley, I am still where Lance is, I am just better at helping others than I am at helping myself.  I try everything I suggest and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  But the key is to keep trying.  Everyone has their off days (some of us more than others) and all we want to do is look at the dark, bleak side of everything.  But if I can brighten someone's day with a different point of view that eases the suffering for just a millisecond, I am well please with myself, even if just for a millisecond.
Lance hang in there and we can work through this together.  I will share ideas and my thoughts, in return tell me if I am just plain being annoying or if it helps at all.

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