It is a good learning experience and I makes me realize how good I was doing. At the same time It bums me out a little that I have to rely on meds to live. I dont like to feel that way, I know a lot of feeling this way was put in my head by family. But they dont know what its like to be the way I am.
If meds can save your life and you cant do it yourself, then I guess you should take them and be glad its available.
I am such a crybaby at times like this, but life is so overwhelming right now. I was so happy at SSC, welcoming the new people, now im whining. I almost embarrased over there right now. I was doing so good.
This is kinda from my first thread I started. I tried weaning off mirtazipine and after a few days just started feeling bad. I went back on and after 2 days, still am pretty messed up. Slept till 12:30. Didnt do anything I had planned this week, Im a mess.
Strange dreams, hopeless thinking, fear feelings, anxious thoughts are all back, just like that. Why? I just want to be normal and not rely on meds. I always wish I knew what happened to cause all this. A long time ago I used to be able to to anything and I was never on meds. Now if Im not I CANT function. It sucks.
I was at a point where I was doing so well, actually making progress and now Ive had a set back. I know its not the end of the world and in a few days I should be feeling better, but when you have a set back like this its scary.