hi grumbles,
THis job pays the bills and the loan and has benefits so the meds are taken care of...
So I can focus on my meditation and centering my energy. I want to learn Reiki this fall. My close aunt is a Master and is starting to teach ... so I will be part of her first class. And she needs me to be an objective critic in the class for feed-back. So as I learn i need to be alert to her shortcomings as a teacher!!! And maybe start a practice ?? (Imagine a wall decorated with the material to make a sari and a massage table with a thick red blanket a fountain a warm orange glow from a salt lamp too cool...)
Also, with interest rates quite low I am pushing my husband to negotiate with his father now. We need a really good price for the duplex we live in to be able to buy it, redo the electricity and plumbing and sink supports into the bedrock all on one morgage. And see what we will do with his brother upstairs... all very gentlily so as to not scare my husband with too much work he has no idea how to do (I am the manual one).
I am in the calender sections of my bipolar agenda, so I am thinking of mood charts... and sleep schedules, and ... a bunch of other things ... and maybe the center that I went to for classes might like to be associated with this project??? It would make us both a bit of money !?!?...
So... all this is thanks to an up in the dosing in my medications. I am on effexor, an anti depressant since 2005 and stable since 2006. Since 2008 I am taking an non-typical mood stabiliser, topiramate. I have just doubled the dose and am at 200mg since Thursday the 2nd of July... (25 mg per week from 100mg to 200mg). I needed to go because I was still shifting too quickly and too much. I have been better since 4 days on the 75 mg...