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16 years ago 0 3045 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have a tendency to over analyze things.  I drive myself crazy trying to figure out why someone did something.  Why I did something.  If I responded appropriately.  If it was handled correctly.  It can be the simplest of things and I can make it out to be the most complex.  I hate drama - and it seems in my head, I create it.  I don't act it out.  Sometimes I think if I just expressed the feelings I would be better off.  I don't know if this makes sense.  I am stressed about a work situation.  Thinking I got in over my head with a full-time and more responsible type position even though it doesn't compare with what I used to be able to do!  This situation at work - my analyzing is like  - did I do something wrong?  is she justified in feeling how she feels?  what will the boss say?  should I be upset? (I'm not at the situation, but at my reaction or lack there of to the situation). Will I be able to maintain my composure if/when the boss talks to me?  What if she's in there?  Will she get satisfaction thinking she's upset me, when it's just my depression and I cry at the slightest provocation?  See what I mean?  lol I could go on for hours with the thoughts running through my head!  I think - I don't need this crap (the work stuff).  However, I know what I would do if I didnt' work - sleep all day and all night!  I don't need that either.  okay.  I quit.  Going to bed and analyze some more 'til the sleep kicks in!  Oh, any insight on how to "stop" this - would be greatly appreciated.  I try to think of other things, but it creeps back in slowly but surely.  I call it "changing the channels". 

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