Sorry about your bad experience with the mammogram. Many women fear the pain, past experiences, and the results, hence neglect getting one. It is helpful to have someone accompany you to appointments for support and advocacy if things go awry for some reason or another.
Stress is a normal part of everyone's life and there are healthy ways of dealing with it. You can change or avoid the sources of stress. You can change the way that you respond to stress and you can learn to relax by utilizing your stress plan!
Answer the following questions to get started:
- Name the biggest source of stress in your life?
- Is this source of stress short-term or long-term?
- How do you react to this source of stress?
- Is your reaction appropriate to the context?
- Is your reaction helpful to you in the long-term?
- What other reactions could you have to this source of stress?
In question six, you are asked to choose an alternative behaviour. Your challenge this week will be to try it out.
The next step of your stress plan includes methods of coping. Coping generally falls into five categories:
- Physical
- Mental
- Social
- Diversions
- Spiritual
Pick 2 for each category and rank on a scale of 1-10 the level of relaxation/stress relief this activity provides for you.
The next time your stressor rears its ugly head, rate the level of stress you are experiencing and pick the corresponding numbered coping strategy.
Hope this helps.
Karen, Health Educator