Hi There:
My therapist gave me a great idea I would like to share and I had to use it last week, and it worked for me.
An idea of a comfort box or rainy day box is to put things that make you feel good in one spot. The idea is when you don't want to get out of bed or do anything you look into your comfort box. I put things like books that make me laugh and a book on relaxation and mindfulness, and my wrap plan and my safety plan. I have numbers of friends and people I can contact in need. I put cd's that calm me, and photographs of my family and letters that people have given to me that thank me for being there for them etc....I put tea/hot chocolate/candy and small stuff animal to remind me to go to my bigger stuff animals if I need comfort.
You can put anything you want in this comfort box which mean something to you. I put crayons/coloring book and an art book and serenity prayer and things I cherish from friends. A box a friend brought me from Cuba and a friendship poem, etc....I think you get the idea.....You can decorate the box anyway you want and put things YOU want as it is for YOU.
I also am to write a letter to the bigger part of myself and state my strengths and what I can do for others and what I have accomplished. This is just an idea, but as I said it worked for me, and I didn't feel down as much, because then I distracted myself and cooked and journalled.
My pain with the trigger point injections every 3 weeks is about a 4 and it is maintained. Also I am going thru alot of stress at work and I am fine because I use these tools my therapist suggests. We also now before and at end of session we do a 2 min relaxation meditation and it helps me to ground. Once I get this meditation for a few weeks she will try another one etc.....Also next Monday I will be starting stretching and yoga classes once a week and then I will use these skills at home once I mastered them. I also quit my 4 hr week respite job and I have more time for ME, and I want to go to the local YMCA which is next to my school and swim and exercise. My plan is to do exercises at least twice a week for 60 min and then gradually go up, because if I do the yoga regular my pain will be maintained and then I will work on my eating habits. I need to eat breakfast which I have a tendency to miss and I know that is a goal for me this month.
Everyone have a great week and take care. Windsy