I went to dad's yesterday, made an excuse to borrow his truck. Anyway, got upset as I drove away. Couldn't find anyone to talk to, my son was unsympathetic and thought I was building bridges until I heard definitively from the doctor. I came home and cried and cried. Finally, I called my brother, what's the worst he could do, call me crazy again (I prepared myself for it). Anyway, he said he would come over today and see what he thought and let me know.
He called this a.m. and said he would bring lunch and to ask my son over and we did. My brother was extremely upset. I apologized for calling him and he thanked me for doing so. Knock me over with a feather! Anyway, we discussed a plan of action and it feels good to have support, support I never thought I'd get from him! He actually cried too!!!!!!! Of course, dad didn't see this. If he knows, he doesn't let on.
I got there a bit before my brother and dad said he didn't really want us all over there, I told him apparently he and his family wanted to visit, it's been a month. So dad tried his best to act like it was all okay. But he isn't a good actor! We stayed for just a short time. I am still upset because they agree with me on the outcome, but I don't feel so all alone. I also for some reason needed someone to validate how I felt. Is that related to a negative core belief?
I think the boundaries is a mute point. I'm not going to have to set any, what's in place will help with what is about to occur. I just have to pray for strength to deal with each day as it comes. However, if the need arises, I will set boundaries with my brother and son!!!!!! I'm looking at that also. The swelling that occurs with liver disease is affecting him cognitively more and more each day. He is also retaining more fluid even with two diuretics. I am calling his doctor tomorrow. I can't believe they haven't called him with the lab results!!!!!! I don't know if they will talk to me because of the HIPPA laws but I am calling anyway and at least providing them with information regarding dad's condition and then they can make a determination from there. If they won't, my brother is coming over and I think we are going to "make" dad go to the hospital. And it will be MAKE! It feels better to have a plan, than going everyday, wondering what I will find. I always call first, because if he doesn't answer the phone, I'm taking someone with me.
Obviously I am worried, but coping better and have some relief that my brother stepped up to the plate and some validation for what I thought I was seeing in the progression of the disease!