I don't know what you "should" do but I'll tell you what I personally did:
After reading the first section and doing 1 day of the activity/mood tracker I moved onto the second section (that very same day) because I felt like the 1st section offered information about depression, which was helpful, but what I also desperately needed were some techniques to try to find some relief from the depression. And I am glad I did skip ahead! Now I have a nice list of pleasant activities to consider doing one of tomorrow and I do feel a tiny lift because of that, and I have other ideas for ways to get out of this depression little by little. I will stick with section two for at least a week though before I move on to the next section. So I guess it's what the others have said, do what is right for you.
My only advice is take it at your own pace. Take your time to understand before you move on. Congratulations on a great first step in starting the program :)
Ideally you should move on to a session after completing previous sessions but in our new and improved site, you can jump to sessions that you find applicable to you and your current situation/experiences.
Each session is meant to build upon the previous one but you do not necessarily have to do them in order.
Nolan, It has been my experience that I complete one session and it's homework before moving on to the next. Sometimes it takes me more than a week to get used to doing it or figuring out just how to do it. do it at your own pace. sometimes reading ahead may put the homework you are doing into perspective. The most important part (for/to me) is taking my time and being thorough. I thought "this is too easy" at first. But later, went back and reworked some stuff.
The most important thing I can say is it helps to do it!
Anybody have a recommendation here? I've read through session 1, and have printed out my Activity Tracker and will be doing that and my Mood Tracker as recommended as the coming week's homework.
Am I supposed to move on to session 2 while I'm doing the homework for session 1, or should I wait till I have completed session 1's homework before moving to session 2 (I guess I'm asking the same question about all the sessions. Sould I complete each session's homework before moving to the next session?)
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