couldn't you go to HR and telll them about your condition - they have to make reasonable accomodation in america, that could be an hour on the computer in a depression center! if you have 10 years invested try to stay, if you can. you could even confront the busybodies and tell them you wouldn't wish what you have on them. i know bosses are ignorant, though. they should all be required to take sensitivity training classes. one job i told them i had depression - she looked at me like i said i had 3 eyes - she said i didn't know you just had a baby. they only hear of "post-partum" depression and have no clue. they need to get a clue! i used to be like that frazzled in the morning, yelling at my son to get ready, let's go!!!!!! lay everything out the night before set clocks 1/2 hour forward have hooks or shelving right near the door with everything on it that you need. i know how you feel. sometime's it's like a jungle out there and we are without teeth or claws to defend ourselves. you didn't steal anything of any great value - jeez thiefs are those enron guys and those wall street guys, etc etc etc. take care of yourself, don't beat yourself up - seems they are doing it for you. fight back!!