good evening ladies,
even in the best of relationships we break a few champaigne glasses... My chouette has been cleaning the basement for two days his way! Which means pushinging everything out of the way with a broom and then sorting through the skii-hill of junk. I sort through then place and throw out as I go along. One task at a time. As he gets fed-up of the hill he moves on to other tasks and randomly comes back and leaves...
But he does not think the same same way as I do. He places the shelving to create a big sorage square in the center of the basement - under the open stairs. I hate this space as all the dust, dirt, and UCK from the upstairs falls here so I use the shelves to block and hide the space. Chouette hung the winter coats Right under the first stair! The last two stairs have the extra - guess (emergency/illness) pillows. Out of the way and easy access!
Chouette if the kids throw-up at one am I will have to wash the dirt out of the pillows and put them into the HOT dryer for 90 minutes (2 hours) so we can get back to sleep ... quick! hence emergency-pillows.
Chouette, the density of your daughter's skull versus her grey matter is as thick as yours but ... if she plays princess at the Ball on the stairs and falls over the edge on the stairs to the cement floor she will get hurt! The wooden shelves will break her fall. There are lots of surfaces to catch onto and grab hold of... no I do not exagerate and see the worst of everything... I know your children ... Yes Your children ... Without You I would not have had them!

Then we had the dinner/supper drama. Tiamat served herself a plate of dry breakfast cereals as a HUGE snack. she has a bit of trouble with portions still, she is only 5. Well, Papa Chouttte threathed to throw out supper and cried out that no one appreciates all he does.... He Shoued his little girl out of the kitchen with the Plate of cereal with a "enjoy" your your plate and don,t ask for anything else this evening... So, reasonable me stepped in and put the cereal into a bowl and put it in the fridge near the milk for an easy breakfast. I told Papa that his Tiamat said she was hungry and he was too busy with the news to respond that supper would be ready at 7-2-8 and served at 7-3-9. So she thought she had time for a healthy snack as she is allowed. She did not put cereal all over as her older brother brother has done on the week-end and she has not whinned and complained. so, be happy she took some initiative to care fo herself!

Now the basement, chouette, we do work in the same way and we do not work together for a good reason. We would kill each other after a week. I love you. You can continue with your vision of things and you offered to revise the really impractical arrangements on the weekend. So shutt. this is the end of it before we argue out of childish fatigue at hurt each-others feelings.

and here i am at the computer

and there are the others tiamat playing with my beads and making a mess

and tiger and chouette watching tv