I read the first session and it answered alot of question for me but at the same time it raised a lot too.
Some things I feel apply to me and others feel way off. I feel guilty like I have no reason being here and depressed. Don't know what qualifies as negative life events but I am pretty sure I have a pretty good life so... Anyway, funny how reading session one left me feeling so unsure and confused... I actually feel more anxious now then before too. I guess reading session one forces me to explore how I am feeling and considering being depressed is one of my worse fears, this is not easy for me.
It says depression comes from negative life events but I did not have major negative life vents per say. My husband and I are having tough times, I am exhausted from efforts at school, my dad just got through chemo but all in all things are oddly going well. I just graduated from university and am going back for a new degree in the fall. I have a great boss who wants to mentor me in my academic and professionnal career. My husband and me fight but he still loves me. I have a great mom and my best friend is great. My dad is doing well overall despite the cancer. So why am I so sad and exhausted and incapable of doing anything?
Also, it says that this can be chronic and that people become more sensitive to stress and that that in turn can make them more susceptible to depression. Well cosidering this is not my first depression, that I have GAD and PD with agoraphobia, this is just not good news for me! that really freaked me out!If somebody can put this in perspective for me please do!
Anyway, many questions but I won't bother you guys with all of them. Does anybody else feel this confused? And does it get clearer as we go?
Anyway, take care, thanks for letting me vent. I am sure it will get better :)