oups wrong button...
Seriously, the benefits... There are less feelings of frustration and persecution. They are not noisy to drive me nuts! Energy going in whywhywhy mmmmeeeeeeeeee ...??? oh they are sssooo!!! i hate and this and that and ooohhh...
I can see that there are more long term benefits that short-term discomforts. And the short-term discomforts are of my making. the long-term ones are to be made and maintained by the group and should be less energery-consuming for me.
In a few days I will be installed in my codo-minimum desk (my previous desk-space was my cottage in the suburbes). I will be less sentitive to everyones regular noise - breathing, stamping, sipping, and moving around. I will be more attuned to the dynamics and be able to ignore most of the conversations (if that christmas chair ever arrives at princesse's house and all 6 of her better friends and 11 other lesser friends will ask for up-dates at the same time!).
and by looking at the more positive aspects of this situation I have begun to teach me mind to look at other posibilities in the rest of my life -including my crazy promise to go to the bain-libre with my son each week before his swim class :eg: