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Information on our various diets

17 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
remember all good things in moderation! my husband just reminded me of the halloween chips ... one little bad of those as a desert is not bad to satisfy the craving, It is the huge bag with dip instead of a meal that gets us on the wagon... oh on one of the ceridian cd's they talk about the what the hech effect! Oh what the heck I ruined the day's effort no point in taking care of tomorrow... so if you splurge your tongue today tomorrow is another day to start off fresh and good!
17 years ago 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Wildcat, Today I move into my new apartment and then tomorrow I will do a Big Food shopping to fill the fridge with good food. So, monday night I'll report here on how steely my resolve is to buy only decent food like you suggest... I'll try to be honest about what kind of crap I buy also... I did buy nuts-in-the -shell yesterday but I forgot to get a cracker...ADD big time!!
17 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey DL. you know addition and you must remember that we rarely see the addition, only the results and have to come to terms that we are at fault. Right now you (AND I) see what we are doing and the effects of it... so is really part of the addictive behaviour or simply a bad habit that as "spoiled-brats" we will not give up without kicking and screaming ;p (this I have experience with ... my 4 yr old has nasty temper tantrums). It seems you are after the TASTE thing... so have you thought of beautiful replacements for the high-fat things... Like mayo can be replaced you low-everything salade dressing (even in sandwiches). AVOID the buffet like the plague!!! Almonds are a better snack for the depressed than peanuts and even unsalted they are delicious, and by buying the shelled ones you eat slower because you have to play with the nut-cracker. THere are wonderful little "cookies" with the crackers... whole-wheat or rice, chrispy, and low-everything, even delicous with dip. a nice alternative to chips! I have started the better habits and if you join in ... I am sure we can discover a whole new world of food!
17 years ago 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you guys for the information!! I'm going to try the "palm of the hand" diet by snacking on better stuff in smaller quantities. My problem is volume: when I'm hungry(at 2pm, usually) and preparing a plate of chicken and tomatoes, onions and cucumbers and scallions - at first it looks very healthy but then I start to "salivate" and add more chicken and then start lashing on the Hellman's mayo and the salt until the colourful plate of veggies and white meat are all covered in the stuff... then I, religiously, have my Diet Soda (because it has no sugar!!!) and dig in. Good intentions breaking down into addictive behaviour, right there! This could be a one-meal-a-day habit if I didn't get bored in the evening and reach for the "small bowl of peanuts" (500 calories!?), Miss Vickie's kettle cooked Jalapeno chips ( 1000 calories?) and then it's slump-time and when that rush of carbs is gone I tell myself what a fool I am to encourage depressive behaviour. Yesterday, at lunchtime, I went into my favourite Chinese restaurant for a plate of broccoli and cauliflower, onions and carrots and ended up grazing the whole buffet end-to-end. My control buttons are all askew and the depression looms up as I stumble my way back to the car... (okay, okay, I was carrying a bag of wings "for the following day's lunch...") Smaller portions and more often as Gabs says; I am starting some stretching and more (painful) walking Brenna; and control the carb-tooth as Wildcat says. Thanks all for the reminders and information. It's about control in the end and I lose it so often that it worries me with the background I have of addictive behaviour. I am hoping that I will be more aware of the crazy eating habits when I move into my own place this weekend...
17 years ago 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi Llama, When my thyroid was first diagnosed I was 2 stone over weight which didnt help my back problems or my tiny frame. They way in which it eventually worked for me, Having tried every diet, the atkins, etc etc, and the way i can keep myself in o.k. ish shape now is, Do not give up anything you love. i mean that otherwise you will crave it. I now dont have a big meal, exactly what everyone else is having but half the amount. I have around 4/5 very small snacks a day. Small chunk of french bread, size of palm of hand, and small peace of fav cheese. The Italian sausage is o.k too. just small amount. The key really is that if it fits into the palm of your hand the portion is right for you to have 4 small snacks and one 2hand size meal a day. it works, I promise. I still have to eat chocolate everyday, i just have 3 squares in the evening as thats my crave time. All the other diets want you to cut out some of the things you love and eat the things you dont enjoy. Whats the point? You wont stick to this, the small portion way is not a diet it is a lifestyle choice forever. It means you can still have the odd glass of wine etc. and enjoy any restaurnt. You also dont become a diet bore, Let me know what you think. X
17 years ago 0 1153 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Daily Llama, One of the best ways to spead up your metabolism is to add a little bit of activity to your daily routine. Anything works, just move. You can go for a walk, a bike ride, garden, swim some lengths anything to increase your heart rate a little bit (you don't even need to break a sweat). As for diet, I would advise you to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Try spacing your meals out through the day. Always start out with breakfast too, this will jump start your metabolism in the morning. Try to incorporate at least 4 food groups into each meal and keep healthy snacks around for when you need them. Brenna, Bilingual Support Specialist
17 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi dl, I think the first thing in better lifestyle is getting rid of the junk. Or so my doctor says so... it is basic calorie reduction. Get rid of the stuff is +++calories, ---nutricious. In the afternoon, when I crave chips, I have sliced apple and the bag of baby carrots... I have "texture" craving so I can play with these foods. Th apple is skin is smooth with a lumpy mash when chewed. Carrots have a Core like a tree to un ravel with the tounge. This is maintaining my weight at 260lbs (118 kg). The next step will be to burn a few more calories each day. Exercise. Anti-depressants slow down the up-take of serotonin and slow down the metabolism... so exercise is important in speeding things up down there (stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas,etc). of course, motivation is my sticky point!
17 years ago 0 1890 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Members, I am carrying too much weight (about 50-60 lbs or +-5 stone) and I have to start a diet. I know that I have to spread my meals throughout the day but I have this habit of having one great big meal at about 2pm and then snacking on peanuts and chips in the evening... When I was youngish I could exist on coffee and chicken and tomatoes all day but I definitely need more balance now. I really have to fight the French bread and the dry Italian sausage and the Limburger cheese and the Cambozola and all the rest of the bad habits I've picked up when I stopped caring what I looked like (a function of depression). Well, I care now, I have a woman in my life, my wife, and I love her and want to stay alive for her as long as I can (I'm 59) and I have to get the diet thing right. I really want to hear from members who have had success with their particular diets or just hear about their expereinces with depression and over-stuffing food into our mouths to kill the pain.. This is where CBT should help a lot...

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