This might be a long one...if you read this you might be here a it goes...
I have lived my life as the forgotten one...the one no one ever had to worry about. "No need to show a little extra attention...he is fine." My whole life, stepping aside so the limelight was always filled by my younger sisters...not that anything I could do would change my mother's eye..they and what they were doing was most important.
Birthdays, holidays, graduations etc. The girls were always having a fuss made over them. With each occasion I would force myself deeper and deeper into my own little world as to not feel the pain and rejection for these events were not shown to be as important in my parents eye when it came to me. Birthdays seemed more like a chore when it was my own. I guess this is one of the reasons I had been a "loner" for much of my life.
How sick is this...My feeling so unworthy of anyone wanting to show any kind of appreciation or celebratory function for me I found utterly uncomfortable and would quickly change things to put the others in the limelight. An example...
One year for my "birthday", a few friends of mine wanted to take me out to dinner. I felt so wierd by this that I got to the restaurant early and told the hostess that my friend was celebrating her birthday and I was paying for everyone's dinner. I told her that there would be an argument as to who was paying so to eliminate this I wanted to secretly get and pay the bill.
This got so out of hand that when my friends came in I pointed (from behind) to one of my friends to signal to the hostess whose birthday it "was". The hostess went so far as to send out a slice of cake with a candle and the waitress singing happy birthday to my friend. When it was realized that the waitress was singing to her things got a little I excused myself to go to the restroom, paid the bill (giving what I think to this day to be the most generous tip I have ever given) out of view of the friends and when I returned...had a good laugh to myself as they were doing everything in their power (with the exception of calling across the room) to get the check from the waitress, every time ending in her ignoring them. After 10 minutes of watching this I got up and put on