I was depressed for many years of my life, but just a little bit and I could handle it. September 2004 my boyfriend of almost three years left me for no apparent reason. I thought I'm going to spend my life with him, start a family, etc. He was my everything really... The break-up was the trigger for a major depressive episode for me and a suicide attempt. A couple of months after that I started dating other men. I started going to therapy and taking effexor and I felt a lot better. For some time I even felt as if I'm not really depressed.
January I started dating the guy I'm dating now. He seemed like a very sweet, caring open-minded person. I though he's right for me. But now I figured that he's the opposite of what he pretended to be then. Every time I try to discuss some important issue he gets very angry and starts calling me names and yelling at me. His ideas about relationships and the roles of women/men are completely different from mine. He believes the only role women must have is to be mothers, otherwise it's like they're useless, he thinks. While I want to be a mother one day, I also have plans of becoming a doctor. He doesn't think a woman should ever work though... really, nothing but take care of the kids!
Also, he has a 8 yr old kid from a woman that tried to "trap" him when they were teenagers and I'm childless (I'm only 21 after all, plus I'd never have kids before getting married). Those who've been in this position know how painful that can be. It is for me. And he said my needs, my wants, my feelings will never be as important to him as his kid's. He also constantly talks to me about his ex, and I don't think he's really over her and that hurts me a lot too. But I really am better than her in every way: I don't "trap" men like that, she doesn't have an education, she's self-centered, looks like she's engaging in PAS(Parental Alienation Syndrome) since she black-mouths him and doesn't let the kid call him "dad" or anything, and she even tried to run away with his kid and told him he'll "never see the kid again" and so on. But he has more respect for her than me still! (And BTW I have nothing to do with their break-up, she left him while pregnant, after which he attempted suicide and became an alchoholic but he's not drinking anymore n