Hi Bea, I read your comments on feeling a loss of identity. I don't know if I should say anything because at this point I don't feel I can be a sorce of encouragement except to say I understand. I am also on Cymbalta. We seem to have a lot in common. Today has been a very bad day for me, but since I've started the Cymbalta I have had some better days. My doctor couldn't say enough about it and I guess it's the newest and greatest stuff out there. Bea, do you have any children? Are you at home alone all day during the day? If this is the case I would highly suggest that you find some way to be around people at least for part of the day on a consistant basis. Sinse I have kids I am forced to be involved in there daily activities, sports, school events, etc.. This has been my life saver at times because it gets me out of the house and around people. Try to get out and around people even if it means volunteering for something. It will do you wonders. Hope this helps even a little, cause I truely feel for you. Take care. Remember tomorrow is a new day and life is full of surprises.