Umut; I found your notes very interesting. You raised many subjects that I have felt also. I also hate it when I see the imperfections in others, and perhaps we see it more clearly when we are hiding the same problems inside ourselves. That's what one book I read said. Often sensitive intelligent people cannot understand why there are such problems communicating with others. I have also read that if you are in a personality or intelligence group which is much different than the average, it can give you those feelings too. I feel the same way; sometimes I think people think that I am a devil, and sometimes I feel like I am a prophet. It may be that we have the same personality type. Since I have been on medications for depression and anxiety, I do not have the mood swings you are describing from great happiness to rage. Some of my friends think I am very stupid, and others think I am very smart. I know I am not stupid, but when people assume that I am because I think differently than they do, it also hurts my self-esteem. It also cripples my confidence as well, but, motivation to keep moving along in our lives really must be based on something higher than ourselves. I hate fake people too, even if they are polite or kind. You say you hate people talking rubbish, well maybe you feel the way I do, that I hate small talk about unimportant things, but the problem is that most socialising is carried out on that level. My husband is very good at small talk, so if it wasn't for him, I would be lost most of the time. I too end up helping others, or at least I did in the past, with their secrets and problems, and they would always come to me and my husband; but I think I kind of got burnt out doing it, and like you said, I hardly ever get back what I am giving out to others. But that is another lesson from the past, there not more happiness in giving than in receiving? One big difference between us is, that I have not given up on all the "beautiful stories", as you put it. If I did give them up, there would really be no point to living. Because the world as it exists today is hopeless. There has to be a supreme being who cares about what is right, and whose promises will come true for a better future. Otherwise there would be no meaning to life.