My fear of my boyfriend cheating on me has caused me to become a little controlling. For instance, I ask him not to go to the bars alone because I don't trust him there alone. In the past when he went alone, bad things always happened and I'm still a little iffy about him going. I did however agree he could go out Friday night and he promised me he would stay in on Saturday. Well, he went out. I was back at my parents for the weekend so I wasn't there...he knew I would be fuming mad at him for going so he left and went to his parents.
I came home early from my parents today because him and I had made a lot of plans for today and now he's not even here!! I am so angry and don't know how I should feel about all this. It's my fault he went there because he didn't want to fight with me..but I want him to call or to come home so badly.
I'm hurting so much inside and I feel like when I need him the most, he's running away. I went through an anger problem last year too and asked him for help...he left me, we broke up for 5 months. It just seems like everytime I am in desperate need of him, he flees the situation...why?