Hi MeMe, I'm new to the support group too. When I was first diagnosed with depression, not being able to get things done was definitly a big issue for me, and when I had relapse about two months ago, it became an issue again. I used to be exceptionally good at multi-tasking,now, even when I'm feeling good, I can't do that anymore and if I'm relapsing I have to make lists breaking things down into very basic components and give myself lots of positive strokes for getting anything done. For example, its not "do the laundry", instead it becomes 1. sort whites and coloreds, 2. take to laundry room. 3. get first load into washer. Have huge attack of lassitude, but give self credit for getting that far, sit and rest until 4. move wet clothes to dryer, start next load in washer, etc. And getting the clean stuff put away is a whole other thing. Effective treatment for depression helps a lot and so does remembering that it is an illness. I hope you have a doctor you trust and that you have ruled out other illnesses as a factor. We just had to move and I lost my doctor because of it. It is a very scary time for me right now even tho I've been thru this before and I know some things that work.