Hi Jayjames,
I am also 20, and am relatively new to this site too.
It's great to talk to other people going through the same thing, especially people in a similar age group to me! I have a social phobia also, sometimes I find it really hard to leave the house. I have deferred my Uni assessment on the grounds of this mental illness, as I was rarley attending, losing concentration and generaly stuffing up.
I don't know of any drugs which help you forget your past, but medication can help you deal with it and move on - which is much better in the long run.
What was wrong with your councelling session? I have never been to a councellor - still trying to summons the courage, but maybe you just went to someone you were not compatible with? I'm sure there is someone out there who can help you.
I can't really answer your questions, as I am not a porfessional, but I know that by coming here you will be offered tonnes of support through your journey.
I bet you are actually a really great person - and that you have a strength inside you you just have not discovered yet. Talk to your GP, any supportive family mmebers or friends you might feel comfotable with. People can be much more understanding than you give them credit for.
Don't think of this as 'something wrong' with you. It is an obstacle, for sure. But it is not insurmounmtable and you will grow through it. And if you ever wanna talk to someone who is up the same creek without a paddle, here is my email!
Take good care of yourself. We all have more to offer to this world than we can know - you included!
Miss J ;)