Ever since I read your post, I am thinking about you. I am a single mom of twin-girls. What you are going through is really hard. People who were there for you all of a sudden left your life. It is normal to feel very sad and abandonded. It has no use to say: get over it". If it was that simple, I bet you would have already done it. It is not that simple, but you do have options. You can sit in a corner, let the bills go out of control, your household and eventually your whole life. Please do not go there, it is an awful dark place. Instead try to reclaim YOUR life!! Try, try and try very hard to take charge of what is going on. Start with sorting out the bills. Do you have a regular schedule? Is your house clean? I know, maybe all these things are the last on your mind. Maybe you are wondering why your house should be clean while going through such a difficult time, but it helps. I have been severely depressed for a long time. It is a long hard fight to overcome it. It really, really helps to stay on track with very simple and little things in life. Most important.....face your feelings. Do not let anybody tell you how you should feel. Just feel an emotions, face it, let it pass through you. If that means you have to be angry, be angry, use your angry energy to clean your house. Rave, vent, stamp your feet. It is all normal in the phase you are going through right now. You were hurt, you are angry. Than you feel sad and hopeless. Cry as if there was no tomorrow, do not hold back, let it out. Than when you are done....take a cold shower, look in the mirror, you are valid, you are supposed to be here........than make tea and start sorting through the bills. You can face life alone. YOU CAN!!!