After many, many years and being panic attack free, I have been having panic attacks. At first I had no idea what they were, even though I used to have them! I thought it had something to do with a possible sinus infection or the fact that I had gone off a beta blocker.
I have been waking up at night in an absolute panic: Heart beating fast, dizziness, foggy vision, panic, anxious.
This has happened here and there, and oddly I find that my 16 year old wakes up around the same time with the same kind of symptoms. She has done that a few times. Strange coincidence.
So yesterday after missing a day of work due to what I thought was a sinus infection, I went to work. I was ok sitting in the staff room when some staff members started complaining and venting about some kids who are difficult in the school where we work. It's a serious situation and its stressful and frustrating. I found myself getting really anxious and then dizzy. I thought I was going to pass out.
I told my boss I had thought I was ok, but must still be sick, so I went home. I honestly thought I was sick.
I called my husband and cried all the way home as I drove.
He was the one who said I had a panic attack. I had no idea. He was completely right.
So now here I am facing another day at work. I am back on a beta blocker which worked previously and am on zoloft. I am a bit of a wreck. I have had 2 years of dealing with a family crisis and some new issues have popped up.
I have no idea how to figure out which stress is mine. I tend to almost mimic other peoples emotions. I pick up on them too well. When they are mad, I end up mad, sad etc.
I am sad that I am panicking again. It is strange how our brains can forget so much.
I am feeling overwhelmed. Everything is happening at once. I want a bit of calm. Oh ya.. also it is almost Christmas!