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9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
SSRIs do not produce Seratonin, they reduce the loss. They make me physically sick and suicidal. So for me I want to replace the Seratonin I lose. Seratonin can not cross the blood brain barrier. Tryptophan can and the brain makes Seratonin from it which can not cross back. But consuming high Tryptophan foods is not enough. (poultry, meat, fish,
dairy, nuts, beans, tofu, oat bran and oats) Because other Amino acids that are in higher proportions are competing to get into the brain Tryptophan gets left behind. Consuming carbohydrates removes the carrier needed for the other Amino acids to get into the brain and sends them to be used for other things like muscles or to be stored. This leaves the door open to Tryptophan. You can not get too much Tryptophan because only the needed amount will convert to Seratonin. Where if you take too much SSRI, you can get poisoning. Even St Johns Wart and an SSRI can do this. I strongly recommend people not to use St. Johns Wart. Aging people eat less and are inclined to eat more salads in an attempt to lose weight. Low seratonin contributes to weight gain because the body craves foods high in Tryptophan and instead it gets foods that do not contain it. Sneaking in cookies and donuts and non protein foods not only doesn't help your seratonin levels it doesn't  give you the building blocks to keep healthy muscles. Healthy body, healthy brain.
Vitamin B6 helps Tryptophan get used. That you can get from your salad. 
Tofu, soy and other beans, nuts and grains will give you plenty of Tryptophan if you are Vegetarian orVegan. But you still have to have carbohydrates with it.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
In the process of looking for Seratonin I came across an interesting fact. So much is made about sugar being bad for us without considering it's roll. Excess sugar is bad. Excess is easy to get since it naturally is in every thing from carrots to milk. Without sugar you would not store proteins and the tryptophan they have would be lost too. Fortunately it is hard not to get sugar or carbohydrates in our diet. I'm sure you have heard of the weight loss all meat diet. Not a good idea in my opinion because of the loss of tryptophan needed to make seratonin. Not to mention no fibre. Pepperoni and sausage have some sugar added. So now I am trying to balance carbohydrate and protein for the tryptophan that will convert to Seratonin but keeping in mind that in doing so I will store more and put on weight. So smaller portions.
In my youth living close to the land in winter I ate a lot of meat and fish, but there was always bannock and rice and raisins and powdered milk. Just not enough greens. And no stress or panic attacks during this time. Could it be that My Grandparents got through tough times because of their diet. They certainly were happier than My parents.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You probably only think of Seratonin as being part of the the word SSRI. You know it as something your mind needs and uses. Did you know it has a bigger roll in the rest of your body. It is used in blood clotting and digestive function. Butterflies and other digestive malfunction could be directly related to its use or not due to stress. Seratonin is made from Tryptophan found in many foods. Hot milk being the best known source. 


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