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wondering something

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Some times it is pretty hard to not be afraid but if "want to"is working it makes it easier. Every one I know that believes in it seriously, says it works. 

There are two kinds of past memory. Ancient and recent and they do slightly different things in terms of anxiety. Ancient memory is what built the core beliefs that dictate mood, attitude, and how you do things. (perception) Because there has been a lot of repetition from recent memory basically following the guidelines they set, it is strong. It is also appropriate in your minds thinking. Recent memory is what upgrades your core beliefs but it is also directed by them so it takes conscious effort to change. The tendency dictated by core beliefs is to do things the way they were. This isn't good if you have always been anxious as I was. My core beliefs said this is appropriate because it is how it always was. I thought I was different because I was is all. But because recent memory upgrades ancient memory to stay current, by making a conscious effort to think positive it is possible to to change the core beliefs. ( I did and it worked ) I built new ones on the old ones but they are still in memory as false and this can be a problem if you look for them. This poking at them is what causes setbacks. So you need to be able to strongly believe they are in the past and not true so you won't poke at them. It isn't hard to do. Just question every thought and change the negative anxious ones to positive. Leave the positive anxious ones alone. An example of a positive anxious thought for me would be traveling down a windy road at speed because I want to. It reinforces the fact that anxiety is not all bad. Notice "want to" in there. It is important to remember that memory can not be erased only not used by making a related positive more important. This is done by coding so you use a different pathway in memory but that is technical and not important to know. Just thinking positive will do it.

Yes I do have a lot of information. All thoroughly checked out and tested. Feel free to ask anything. 

9 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So being anxious to a point is ok but never being afraid is what you are saying right? The fact that I am anxious because its a new place and its a dentist on top of all that is ok and normal. If I let fear become my main focal point for this then it is going to end up in a disaster for me and another bad memory.I think I understand exactly what you mean about this. And just to let you know,the I want to mantra has really been helping a lot this week. I've started repeating positive things in my mind every morning when I'm exercising and I have been including my I wants in there along with listing all my good qualities and how I accept my agoraphobia and panic as a part of me but it is not all that I am etc... You have some very good advice and lots of knowledge about this and its awesome being able to talk to you and learn new things. Thank you very much for always taking the time to explain things and reply to me. I appreciate it very much.
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Please read the other post first.

I should mention here that this is not bulling through as a lot of people try to do with no success. Fear is part of the hippocampus, two little organs in your brain that control how short term memory gets moved to long term. A fear of a situation will get moved to long term memory where it becomes the thing to do when it is triggered. This is considered appropriate and memory works on appropriate not right or wrong. It can do nothing else. So it is a simple matter of giving it a no fear appropriate to use. In all new situations your hippocampus will draw on associated memory for an appropriate. so if you have managed a few situations with no fear that will be the appropriate it uses. New experiences become little more than mild concern. Never accept you are scared or it will store that thought. It is okay to be concerned and anxious but not afraid. To keep from being afraid you need relaxation and distraction coping skills. "want to" does both.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The difference between anxiety and an anxiety disorder is perception. Both can have the same symptoms. Sweating and confusion.
With anxiety a person might feel lost, with a disorder a person feels scared. 
Agoraphobia is a fear of being in a situation where you do not have control.  Not of the situation but of your thoughts. If you want to do something you have control, If you have to do something you do not. When you first practice "want to"you will still be anxious but not scared. After a few times the anxiety lessens as you realize you do have control because you are in control of your thoughts. You might not like what you need to do but you are in control of doing it because you want to. "want to" mantras work. They take a little while to get established but they totally get rid of Agoraphobia. A while ago I drove for two and a half hours to get to an airport I haven't been to in thirty years to pick some one up. I was a bit early so had to sit there waiting. The only thought in my head was that this was interesting. Quite a change from how I would have felt five years ago. I probably couldn't have done it then. Almost 60 years of anxiety gone with just a thought. But this is CBT. Changing thought patterns. Wish I'd known years ago. The more you want to do something the less you need to use it. It is conditioning and once established blocks the fear without needing to be used. You will feel normal.


9 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have been wondering about something here recently and maybe one of you guys can help me. I know that anxiety and being anxious is a part of human behavior and everyone at some point in their life feels anxious about something. So my question is how can you decipher between "normal anxiousness"and our kind of anxiousness? Maybe I'm not making sense. Ok example: I have been doing much better here with my agoraphobia and panic this past week. I have been out of the house everyday this week since Sunday like twice to grocery stores and gas stations and things like that. Well my daughter has state testing tomorrow and after that my husband has a dentist appointment that we have to go to with him. I realize this is not a big deal because we will just be in the waiting room waiting on him but I still felt my anxiety start to kick in a little. I have never been to this place before and I'm wondering if I'm anxious because its a new place,or if I'm anxious because its part of my disorder? Basically I wonder what is a normal level of anxiousness? Is this me being ok or is this me and my disorder talking? I really hope I am making sense to someone out there and I don't just sound like a nut.

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