I have a friend who is doing Luminosity. It isn't free but she says it was well researched. I know her memory is not what it should be and she says it is because five years on a medication for anxiety is the cause. Yes I know which medication and I agree and there is information saying it does do this. But then like me and a medication I was on for four years that I was only supposed to be on for a month she was on one for five years that she was not supposed to be.
Doctors faults. Her scores are up and her memory is better. And she is past the age of maximum ability to learn. She has been off this medication for better than four months now. There is still anxiety and sleepless night but no panic attacks. Such is with this med that it can be a year before it is entirely reversed.
I've been thinking about memory. One thing I do is that I try to remember what I am doing before going to some other way to find it. EG, bank card numbers, phone numbers, addresses, dates, birthdays and even recipes. I'm getting pretty good. Another is visualizing places. It is amazing how much fear this can reduce. What is amazing is that I can remember my SIN# even though I never use it. Like autistic people I remember it a picture of three groups of three numbers not as nine numbers. Same with phone numbers and extensions. Different things are stored in different parts of the brain but they are all connected. Seeing a thought as a picture and a song and a sentence and colour are all ways to increase the chance of remembering. Two ways is good, three better beyond that there is no difference that I can see but that might be different for others. And for some two might be enough. I've noticed that when I see or think something my mind flashes through every thing related to it in my memory without any of it being really noticeable unless it is important or interesting. Like how I speed read, I skip the ifs and buts and the's etc. I put them in automatic, I don't have to read them. Just like when I look at my tractor, I know what the other side looks like.
Try it, write a sentence with only the important words. If you can read it try writing it with no vowels. Your mind is fast, it will put in all possibilities and pick out the right ones if they have ever been in memory. These are interconnected pathways that say this goes with this and this and this but this goes best with the rest of the thought.
What has this to do with Panic attacks? Simple, when you panic you have choices that can take you away from it becoming an attack by making the right choices from all the possible choices. And you do have choices in all these interconnected thoughts. There is room for lots of positives you just have to think them. No harder than thinking all the colours you know when you think colour or flowers when you think flower. If you think store, how many stores come to mind as your mind says which store. Lots right. Why not positives for every anxious trigger. Negatives might have priority but there is no reason not to flip through them and the positives also, ending in positives.
I really think that if I can do this others can too. Is this not CBT.