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9 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cara423,

I am sorry to hear about your panic attack. I can see how this would feel very discouraging but please know that set backs like these are part of the healing process. It is normal and often nessesary in order for you to keep learning and working at healing. What did you learn from this set back?  How are you doing now?

9 years ago 0 169 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are always help to me... I always look forward to your wisdom and some of the best advices I use is from you.
Thanks everyone, every panic is a teaching for me....I hope it gets better from here.
9 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Correction...I am using google chrome to log in and post now..They the site here works fine now that I have updated my browser. Just thought I would let others know in case they are having problems signing in and posting. They may need to update their browser.

9 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just wanted to say I have good days and bad days like most people now. Cbt has helped me learn how to challenge my negative thoughts and actions where as before I had no concept of these ideas..Even so for me it is a ongoing process meaning that it something I need to be mindful of and nip my negative thoughts in the bud before these stray negative thoughts spiral out of control again..

P.S. Davit I am not using google chrome to log into the group too..You get used to it after a while. I actually like it for reading the World and Local news..

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just wanted to say two things. What I did pertaining to CBT and how to get rid of panic works, no matter how bad you are. I'm free and always will be now. It is a good feeling, so don't give up.  I had to go through google chrome which I don't like so I might not be back. There doesn't seem to be any need for me to be here anymore anyway.

9 years ago 0 162 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Same type of thing here.  Started having anxiety in university...first attack was in December 2001 (although I didn't know it was anxiety then).  My attacks were associated with exams/midterms.  Went on meds of Feb 2003, and things were well.  In June 2012 my doctor and I decided to discontinue the meds as I was no longer in school.  Things were good until Dec 2013, and then BOOM, total panic again...and things have been horrible since then.  Back on meds in Jan 2014, changed them in August, and just upped the dosage today.  So very frustrated.  

9 years ago 0 169 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Shari!  I know people who's had one or two and never had any more. I myself had 8 years in between my first two. I want that to happen again.....
9 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I understand. Mine happen the same way. Don't have any for a while, then all the sudden sitting at work, or standing in line at the store and it hits out of know where. I would like to know how to get past the anxiety of waiting for the next one to happen. And sometimes its not a full blown panic attack, but just the anxiety...anxious unsettled feeling of when is the shoe going to drop. Hopefully someone can help us both find the answer!
9 years ago 0 169 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was doing so well... And then bam! Panic attack. It always happens behind the wheel for me while driving.

My friend had one panic attack her whole life and never had another one again, I know a few people like this. What makes me different? I've heard of people saying they got rid of their attacks? How ? 

I do good for a while and then I take two steps back again, always feel like I'm back to where I started.
How do I have one and not let it get to me.... I know to treat them like hiccups but why is it so hard? How do I beleive this?

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