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New to the Group and Ready to Live and Heal

10 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank  you Ashley.  I have started the program and have completed part 1.  I am also seeing a therapist as my anxiety level  is very high for the most part.  For some reason over the last several months I have developed a food/medicine phobia. There are only limited things I can put in my mouth without having anything from mild anxiety to a panic attack.  How will I ever get past this.  I over search medications and side effects and I'm making myself crazy.  
10 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

This program can help you. Have you had a chance to get started? Any questions so far?

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
When people in control don't understand something they put names onto it and try to fix it like they were the ones who had it. This happens with a lot of things, Diabetes and Arthritis for just two. So it is not a surprise that those that don't have an anxiety or panic disorder can't understand it. It doesn't stop them from trying to fix it. Thank God I don't have Diabetes. I have enough misinformed people trying to fix my Arthritis. And so many people who know someone with anxiety who they haven't been able to help. In both cases they are going about it the wrong way. The internet doesn't help. There is some accurate information but most is only half right at best and some totally wrong. Most people flogging their cures don't understand how the mind works so all they have to offer are coping skills. This may seem like a cure because they do offer release but it is only part of the cure. You wouldn't make a cake with only half the ingredients so why cure panic with only half the techniques. You could eat your cake with a spoon but it wouldn't be a cake. Coping skills are a start and once learned become a silent part of CBT as you change your thought patterns. You will rely on them without it being conscious so don't skip that part. Coping skills vary with what you are trying to cope with. Most if not all fears are only a fear because you don't have control of the situation. This can be cured by having control of you by changing how you see things. This won't change the situation but it will change how it affects you. In effect making the situation null. The trigger is still there and is still a trigger, it just doesn't trigger anything anymore. Because you see it as a concern but a harmless concern unless you make it more than it is. So it isn't about changing the situation but how you see it. This is CBT, this is changing thought patterns. And it may well be the hardest simple thing you do if you have very strong core beliefs holding you back. So until you can handle the triggers you need to stop things that make them worse. In some this is just the temporary stopping of the use of caffeine, sugar and alcohol. All known to increase anxiety and depression. In others it is taking meds to calm them enough to do CBT. Once a cure is in place caffeine can be replaced, but if you can live without sugar I would recommend it. As for alcohol, keep in mind it is a depressant. All things in moderation.


Ready to live, Thank you for the message, my computer is an apple so I can't use instant message.
10 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Red. I have to be hopeful because I'm not living  and it affects everyone around me.  I have so many fears I just want to learn to deal with them and start living.
I function in my comfort zone.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome to the forum..The sessions in the program really do help..Take your time with it and before you know it things will start looking up..
10 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi.  I'm new to the group and I am ready to live and to heal and so tired of being afraid that something is going to happen to me and I'm going to have to be rushed to the hospital or going to die.  I have been suffering from panic probably for over 28 years on and off never really got any help for it but this time I want this out of my life forever. 
I have a very big fear of choking and eating different foods or food that I haven't cooked myself.  I have a fear that I will have a terrible allergy to food and I'm going to have a physical reaction.  The reason this has been happening for the past four months is because I have had a number of  allergic reactions to something airborne, according to the allergist, and my eyelids and eye swells like crazy sometimes both and I associate it with the food that I was eating when this happens.  I know it's not food but I can't seem to get it out of my head.  I have lost a lot of weight in the last few months and am getting too thin.I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to eating unless I make my meal and it's simple and boring.  I can't eat out anymore and I can't have a glass of wine because I think it's going to harm me.  I have a big birthday coming up and want to be able to go out and have some fun.  I know every excuse there is to get out of living and going out and doing.  I started seeing a CBT therapist also and he told me about this site.  I'm ready for the next part of my life and I know it will only get better because I want it to. 

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