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2 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


As the holiday season approaches how is your spending? We often develop addictions while trying to self sooth from mental health issues. Shopping can be compulsive and it is often over looked.

How do you manage your spending? Do you have ever have trouble with over spending or compulsive shopping?


10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
There are times when I hate computers. Not for me. I have no trouble shutting it off or using it only when I have time. Like now, having a coffee and thinking about the day. Time flies in front of the screen and before you know it the day is gone and you have done nothing but get tired. There is nothing so pathetic looking as a person sitting in front of their computer with a box of crackers looking blurry eyed at nothing. 
Addiction is addiction no matter if it is booze, drugs, tv or the damn computer. It is time wasted that you can't get back. 
If you live with a person doing this it is hard even if they are just house mates. They make a mess and you clean it or live with it. And like all addicts they think there is always tomorrow. This may bother them but it doesn't stop them. For addicts we know abstinence is the only answer. How do you do that with a computer. Mail is on it. Sites like this. Stored information. And It is worse if the person is addicted to the phone too. 
Is this a need to be around others even if they are just cyber people. The flip side of social phobia. I'll take the phobia instead. At least it can be cured.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

And that is the worst part. They don't see it as addiction any more than gamblers do. Many see it as a necessary part of life as in having all the right accessaries and then spares. The point though is that unless you are very rich you can't do this. Debt is a very good reason for anxiety and depression.

10 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is a cruel addiction.  It can be crippling, it can breed hoarding and comes with many emotional angles.
Thanks for bringing this to light, as many may not see it as an addiction.

Josie, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
In this case I am not using this in the strict sense of the word. And it is not about drugs. It is about spending. Actually about spending on line. I know a few people that are addicted to finding things on the net and buying them. The idea is that they are needed or handy but in truth the finding and spending is the whole thing. The item often as not never gets used. It becomes obvious when they buy two instead of one. I knew a lady without a computer who bought out of the catalogue over the phone. She had seven sets of dishes. Five were still in the boxes. Another lady bought underwear that didn't fit her and never opened it. Her husband sent it back. Guys do this too. My Dad made lists but fortunately he never bought any of the stuff. 


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