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10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning Hugs

I assumed that you were not using the area around the furnace. 
Water meter! We don't have those here. We don't have restrictions in summer either. Even Calgary with three million people doesn't have meters. I doubt Vancouver does either being as it is right on a river. 
Good thing they can't meter the air you breath.
Older houses here with pipes on an outside wall have heat tapes on them. Newer houses have better insulation and pipes on the inside walls. I have 6 inch walls and no pipes in any walls.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today I learned that the water meter has a leak detector. This is handy to check, before you spend money to have a professional tell you, when it's too late. Winter can get so cold, that pipes can freeze, so it's a good idea to keep pipes from freezing, in the first place.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit, I thought hanging stuff on the walls could help, but wouldn't a sheet on the floor eventually get perforated? Also, wouldn't it be a tripping hazard? If I could declutter, then I could just use the power vac to clean up. There are so many things to do, it sometimes overwhelms me. The reality is that in the past, there were as many things to do, but I was focused on other things, which didn't allow me to worry. I'm going a church service, after I shave.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The largest amount of air movement is close to the furnace so people some times buy a cheap four mill drop sheet to cover the floor and sometimes the walls in that area. The furnace in my dads house drew its air from vents up stairs. This was good since we had a dirt floor in the basement. Those vents had pre filters to catch pet hair and dust bunnies.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I also wanted to add, that I measured a great space where air is being lost, at a makeshift cold room. I was able to design the patch, by measuring the area, and the approximate space where a duct enters. It was wonderful to feel I could conceive the patch, since I knew I could use the internet to figure out the duct area to displace, make a pattern, and use some good cardboard and duct tape to patch the space which is leaking air. My parents had(one still has) good minds, so I know I can visualize, process if I can just settle myself and focus. If I could just stay in that settled space though, without being agitated, and gracefully move through life, life would be so much smoother. Those naughty thoughts which try to take over, are like those geniuses who drive SUV's and can't make their driving predictable to the rest of the world, so we can safely share the road. It's as though I'm trying to avoid road rage, but in a pervasive way on a daily basis with everyday things, in my head. 2014 could be better if use more poise. Happy New Year!
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit, Thanks for commenting. I also noticed I could improve the furnace performance by changing the filter, which apparently is getting clogged because of the dust in the unfinished basement. I got rid of the old filters, and learned something that contributed to the dust. Since I love to reuse things, I decided to reused the old filters as mats, so they sop up the dirt/wet from my boots when I enter from the cellar. I'll bet that just stirs up the dust that was captured, so I discarded them all, and place some old newspapers on the entrance, before I figure out what a good mat might be. I'm not planning on refinishing that basement, but the walls are powdery, and contribute, I'm sure, to the filter getting dusty. There's a lot of stuff to get rid of, but I could start with my stuff, without considering mom's.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Reducing the draft by trying your best even if it is not totally right because partially right is still a learning experience and better than doing nothing and learning nothing. Intelligence is a marker of the amount of information a person can draw on to solve a problem. Part of that information will be things that don't work too. A small mistake now may save a big one later. I feel that as long as it won't make it worse it is worth the try.

What did I learn today. Two things. One is that people in SUVs will drive right by people in cars that are stuck in the snow and not care and secondly it doesn't matter, some one will help, the world has not gone totally to hell.

I saw a saying on a cup today. "I'd tell you to go to hell but I'm already there and don't want your company"

We have an unusually large amount of wet snow. It is easy to get stuck.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was looking at how drafty the cellar door was, and think the insulation needs to be replaced. It suggests that either I start replacing and upgrading, or just live with it. What I'm learning is that I can actually do these things, and have the capacity to do it. In the past, my lack of confidence, lack of skills and agitation prevented me from doing things that could have been done.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Years ago, when I was in a toxic work environment, I was constantly under pressure. One thing that a supervisor showed me, was how to cancel a print request on the printer. After many years, I just did it myself, remembering that moment, to my surprise.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Davit, I learned more today about the canned low expansion spray foam. I'd have to be careful, since it can do structural damamge, since even though it's "low" expansion, it will expand 20-30 times it's volume, by the definition. Also, using the can means holding it upside down. It's a month past it's expiry, but it's okay to start somewhere, maybe when I clean up around the dusty cellar.

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