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phobia of needles and Dentist.

11 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Molly24,

Treating a phobia can take time and lots of exposure. Some aspects of the program may help you but you may want to talk to a therapist if this is a problem you need help with right away. You might also want to try the questions in challenging negativity in order to challenge some of your fears around the needles. Remember there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear is a biological reaction and nothing more. Being afraid is scarey and uncomfortable but fear cannot actually hurt you and it always passes.

How are you feeling today?

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Molly, I don't like needles either, especially around my sensitive teeth. An alternative is gas, which allows the doc to do his work, while you rest, unaware. I'm just to lazy to lose the dentist. The cleaning is what I dislike more than the needles...
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Molly

We all start off with a fear of needles but I have been very sick a few times and a couple of times I had to do self injections with Heperin. It is the same needle as Insulin or Methotrexate. I think I can attribute that with helping me get over needles. The exposure of doing it myself and having control and seeing that it wasn't going to hurt me really helped.
I can see you cringing at the thought. CBT gave me what I needed to just do it and then observe instead of worry first and feel bad after. See most things are not very bad, we make them worse. It helps that I am a curious person. It makes it easier to do CBT. I've had some painful needles but they are not as disturbing as your phobia. In and out and it is over, bite the bullet and do it. I know how hard the period up to that point is. I used to have Agoraphobia real bad, I had a hard time being in waiting rooms, line ups at the bank, line ups at the store. I don't know about traffic lights, we don't have any. I got over it. I did it by taking back control and banishing the fear. It wasn't that hard and didn't take that long to get control back but it did take a lot of use to keep it. If you have any lesser phobias that is where to start first and work your way up to the big one.
I had to have my teeth out because of a magnesium deficiency from antibiotics for staph infection. It was a mistake that didn't have to happen and it cost me in damage to my back too.
It was lose the teeth or lose my life. I got the teeth pulled out. I miss having my own teeth more than anything. I do like being alive still though :-) 
Broken bones missing teeth and Arthritis aside CBT makes life more than just bearable. It makes it exciting again.
You really can get over fears. I never used to think so but have been proved wrong there. I did get over mine.

11 years ago 0 22 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit.

I can't call my doctor as she's on leave. I wish I had no fears of needles as I would be put under and they could just pull them all. But I've had this fear since I was a kid same with dentists. I can't even watch someone else have one. I feel anxous just saying it. I feel so lost, like no-matter what I do nothing gets better. I've cried all night and not sleep and just can't find anywhere that can help. 

Thank-you for your suggestions I will look it up. 

I hope you are well

Kind Regards.
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I don't have any problem with needles or dentists but then I have had a lot of needles. This is one of those cases where benzos are okay to use on a short term basis and I would do that rather than be put to sleep. I was put to sleep the last time I had teeth out. It was done in hospital and no fun. This is the sort of situation Ativan was meant for. Short term use up to a month. People do this. There is minimum withdrawal but there could be some if it is over a week and if the dose is high. But the anxiety would be at home. But the teeth would be done. You have to decide if it is worth it. All I can tell you is that from personal experience Ativan is not addictive under a month. But this is a very easy drug to use too often as I well know. So I know better than to let it get out of hand. Fortunately since CBT I have no need of Ativan ever again. Phobias can be cured but it takes time. What ever you decide I would strongly recommend you learn about CBT to cure your phobia because it otherwise is not going away. Besides CBT will do so much for any stress or phobias you have. Mean time talk to your doctor but just remember the rule with any drug. Stay within the guide lines. Some times meds are the only way. Ativan works very quick but is short lived. Make sure you know everything about it if you go this route. 
There is only one concern and that is a real one because it works very well it is too easy to use for every little stress. I only mention the Ativan because I hate to see you suffer and phobias only get worse. I know it works but I also know the hazard of becoming dependent. I was for four years.


11 years ago 0 22 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have a complete phobia of needles and Dentist. I have avoided them even when the pain is unbearable because I can't cope with being  in a dentist and with the needles to knock you out to have it done. I just don't know what do do with myself anymore I rang nearly all the dentists to see if they put you to sleep with gas instead. But they don't. I have so much in my head right now that all I can do is cry my anxiety is so bad I feel like I can't breath.
I feel like I'm drowning in problems with no way to fixing them.  :( 

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