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10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today was one of those less than desirable day that we all get. Only because I'm tired and sore. And the bears are annoying me. It will pass. I still got lots done or at least as much as I wanted to. Some outside work and three more pies and a shell. Two to freeze and one to eat. And I still have almost a pail of apples so I'll  make more pies to freeze some time. Noises out side, I better check. I'll be glad when they hibernate or some hunter shoots them.
Just part of living here, not as bad as the traffic and noise in a city.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sometimes things just catch up. Harvest is one of those times. Last night was bad with vertigo and unwanted thoughts. So it has left me tired and with a head ache this morning. It is raining again too. 
I ran the bear off last evening and don't know if he came back. This morning I don't care. It is supposed to rain itself out today so I think I will just putter around the house. Maybe bake some more pies. See nothing matters that much if in a few years I won't be here. Really pouring now, I better call my stray, he has been out all night and will be hungry and wet.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well as I well knew the bears will pick in the rain. A bear broke a main branch out of one of the trees. Quarter of the tree gone just like that. A neighbour picked off all the good apples that were left in the other trees except the crab apples. So I will still have to do a bear watch tonight. I brought in my pumpkin that was ready, it will make a pie soon. And I'm done with the beans, there are still some out there but frost will get them before they are big enough unless the weather changes drastically. I have broad beens to collect tomorrow or possibly today. I will also bring in a couple of cabbages. As soon as it dries enough I can till everything and be done and it can freeze if it wants too.
So except for the damage to the tree, today is going okay. I'm tired but going to rest with a cup of tea and a baked apple. I have to do something with them. I have four pails more than I want. The world would be a lovely place without bears, safer too. 

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh dear it is raining again.

My kingdom for a house keeper. Literally. This house cleaning is getting in the way of harvesting. Not that there is much left. So it is getting a lick and a promise till I can do a better job. I've had a lot of people show up for apples and of course that takes up time. I have to talk to them. So late at night I don't feel like cleaning. Three more people coming for apples today if it doesn't rain too bad. I want to go get the beans and possibly two cabbage for sauerkraut. 

Hm. raining pretty good now, no one is going to pick in this. Not even me and I'm crazy.
So back to house cleaning.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today was a very busy day. I made some major progress today and was able to overcome a huge obstacle that was in my path to recovery.
First I'll start off with the small stuff. I canceled a class that was not useful for me and received a refund today..
Second I went to the bank, not something I do often.
Third I dropped of my bp reads at the huge clinic that I go to that I have wanted to get away from for a long time..
And lastly but the most important thing that I did today was I stopped off at new clinic on the way home that I have been researching. I was told 10 years ago that they didn't take my health insurance so I ended up going to a clinic that I was not comfortable with all these years and it turned out to be very destructive for me both physically and emotionally.
So about 6 months I went by one of the clinics that I wanted to go to and guess what they said that they would see me as a patient and take my insurance..Anyway I still kept going to the clinic that I didn't like and today was the last time I will have to ever see them again because the New clinic that I stopped off at on the way home said they would see me and take my health insurance..They were very nice, they did all the paperwork right then on the spot and I now have a new doctor and a new health clinic to go to for my health care and I will be able to go to the hospital that I used to go to 10 years ago. I will never have to go to the old clinic and hospital where I received terrible care at ever again..
So I would have to say this has been a great day. I never gave up and over came my anxiety and fear and everything turned out for the best..I can now rest assured that I will be getting the best care possible and I will not have to be afraid to go to the doctor or hospital ever again..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well I finally made the cake.

Today I am very sore but I'm done apples for a while. I'm also happy to find I have a few plums on my young tree. All round it has been a very good year. And today was good with people I know coming to pick apples and talk. I advertised again to see if I can get rid of the rest. You never know I might make some new friends. I made one today, but a quirk of mine, I don't remember her name. Oh well I'll find out. It is sort of odd that I have more female friends than male. Of course I don't do the usual male things. I can't stand sports and have no overpaid Idols. Not even gardening ones. What is funny really is that I was diagnosed with social anxiety. And I might have been considered anti social at one time. Me, blabber mouth that I am. Some things just need time to change.

So for the next few days it is going to be heat and rest. I'm surprised to find muscles where I have muscles now. Now if they would just go away and be quiet. I haven't had lunch yet and it is almost supper time. Doesn't seem to be hurting me.
Fewer dishes to wash. I will sleep tonight if I can get comfortable Lol. No cats crowding me please. I still have time to sit on the deck with a cup of tea or a glass of something.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I seem to be out of sync. The sun is out but today is a house cleaning and apple squeezing day. Some things can't be put off. I'll find some time to sit outside with a coffee between jobs. Certainly not going to worry about it. I picked in the rain and then peeled till late so if I hadn't of I would be picking in the sun today. So if tomorrow would have been the clean up day it doesn't matter if I sneak out for a bit. Not that there is a lot of cleaning that has to be done it is more that I want to do it before I get too far behind. Getting behind is a formula for depression as is taking on too much. I have to juggle things with out dwelling on them and worrying. None of this is life threatening so it isn't important. I'm about due for visitors to drop in so you can see why I want to clean. Pride. I must admit I am sore this morning but slept well so today should be okay and if it isn't there is Tylenol and heat. I still want a cake too. Oh that just adds to the load for the day. I probably won't make it.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Did some work around the yard today..Cleaned things up a bit now that fall is coming..I am going to be sore tomorrow.
It was a good day..
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Got out and had a good walk yesterday and great walk this morning..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow, middle of the month, where did the last two weeks go. Things are not slowing down either. Lawn needs mowing again. I better do it before it rains. I have to decide when to quit picking apples and just let them fall on the ground. So far no bears this year. Leaves are turning and falling. The days go by so fast. It all seemed so overwhelming this morning, especially without help anymore. Everyone is busy this time of year. Ah so I just plug along and enjoy the sun.


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