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How´s it going?

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh darn, My blood pressure is too low. Crapped out and stumbling around. Have to stop for a bit. Supper time anyway. 
I still have two pie shells to roll out. Later or tomorrow morning.
Some days are diamonds, some days are not. Apple pies have to come out.


Ps, I'm still in a good mood.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Very cold this morning. The sun is coming up and there are no clouds in the sky, not even any caught in the mountain tops. It even looks cold outside. My fire is crackling. I think I will make some pies today. A pumpkin and a couple of apple. I can freeze the apple for later. Just something to do since it is too cold to go outside. I have to bring in more wood but that can wait till afternoon. Everything seems to be patiently waiting till spring. The sun is nice though, such a change from overcast and snow. Quite a bit less snow this year. At least in the valley bottom. It is looking like it will be another dry summer. I need to enjoy these days, it will soon get very busy. I have a new well to put in and the line to connect to the line to the existing well. Time consuming but at least it is something I have done before and know how to do. I'm older and slower and it will be harder. I will get help. No anxiety here, just something I will do.
Two coffees today that I shouldn't have had but did anyway. It has less affect on me than it used to. I'll switch to tea now.
I hope everyone is having a good day, I know how hard this time of year can be. Especially up here where spring is still a month or more away. 

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This anticipation is the type that is like the night before Christmas. this reminds me of the saying "anxiety is antication holding it's breath"...
10 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What a great opportunity for you!
I love your sense of adventure!
Please let us know how you do!

Josie, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My friend bought us a boat so we can go fishing. She also put a hitch on her car to tow it. It is only a twelve foot aluminum boat but comes with trailer and motor and all the accessories. The lakes here are small so it is plenty big enough. I'm excited about this of course but I'm also anxious. Did I mention it is second hand and at the other end of the province. Lol. Well that is what we could afford. So we will have a two or three day trip to go get it. I haven't done anything like this in a very long time. But I'm going to do it. But there will be some panic of course. Normal panic. There will be the need for some pain killers and I intend to enjoy myself. I haven't seen that part of the country in a long time so it should be interesting. Notice I'm not thinking about all the things that can go wrong. So screw the anxiety I'm going to do this anyway because I want to. 
So how is that for exposure. Well it will be a good test. I'm realizing that I can do anything I want to if I really want to.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've had some more energy too, but had to chip some ice. I walked two miles, and ended up icing my knees, and will feel it tomorrow. It was too icy yesterday, so I walked to buy some essentials today, after returning yesterday, from a bad night of weather, and abandoned shopping. It's really too late for winter tires, but it could get really messy some days. I figured that if I bought some items every day, and walked, I'd benefit from the exercise, but it may be more than I can handle.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Second long day but a good day. Oh I'm sore now but I got a big chore done. I have a hard time reaching to the bottom of a deepfreeze. So defrosting and cleaning one is a chore for me. But it is done. And that makes me feel good. I did some cooking and baking so I'll have a few more meals to add to the freezer. The next few months are going to be real busy. We have a short growing season here so I have to start seeds in the house. The kitchen is going to get crowded pretty bad. It is worth it though. One more week in this month. I'm not rushing it, There is still lots to do inside. I don't know where all this energy came from but I'll certainly make use of it. The change of pace is adding some anxiety but nothing I can't handle. It certainly is a lot better than it was.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I almost can't afford to exert myself in some things, since mom's not been well, and I want to be able to respond, if she gets worse.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My hips are killing me. A pinched nerve in my back. Too much time on my feet today. A good day though. 
Made some donuts. 
No negative thoughts and no anxiety.  Feel good, just ache lots. That is normal. Normal as I get. Normal as I can expect to get.

Long day, I'm going to unwind before bed with a cup of ginger mint tea or two and a movie. Ice cream would be nice but I don't have any. I don't have any chocolate either. Well that can't be helped. No I'm not having another donut.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I like the sun shining through today, too. Taking a walk was great, as I dropped off a library book.

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