I stopped the train of thinking by stopping the internet search. I did feel disappointed, but at some time during the day, when I was doing a difficult exercise on a mat, I caught myself feeling similary self-critical, and just acknowledged that I'm human. I did feel a bit sad during the afternoon, before going to the gym.
There's a great marketing ploy trying to capture consumers with the hook that we're human, so we should buy some product or service and my life will be transformed. I think I'm at the other end of the spectrum where I postpone doing the simplest of things, and suffer.
An example is that I want to go to a yoga class tomorrow, but either I buy a yoga mat or pay per session. Buying anything for me is major, since I'm so indecisive, but today I decided I need a mat, yoga or not, to get myself to do more of my exercises for back strengthening. It's not just that I need a strong core like doing "curls for the girls" but I need to lug my tires into the garage for the seasonal swap(hurt my back, but I'm waiting and feel okay - but it's sweltering outside so a couple of more days won't hurt, since I don't drive much).