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This program while titrating off of medications

10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thank you for your kind and quick response.  Don't feel alone with the "in regards to" issue.  I have seen newscasters use it.  People that are paid to talk.  That is pretty sad.  It just happens to be one of my pet peeves and something I will catch before all else.  I corrected another one of the Educators using the same phrase incorrectly...and yes I let her know as well. :)

As far as Davit, I do try to read his posts with temperance, but sometimes it is not easy when you are already dealing with so many of your own issues and need someone who understands and can give "tender advise".  Having "forthright advise" has it's place, but for some being one of them...I will shut down to "tough love" before responding well to it.

My biggest issue, as you saw my my other post, is trying to use this forum at all with the antiquated word processor that is at it's core.  I can't believe this has not been addressed long ago as I have not had issues like this with any program on any site for longer than I can remember, unless perhaps the Radio Shack TRS-80 computer my dad had in the early 1980s...yes slight exaggeration...but only slight.
Be well,
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I absolutely never ever attack anyone without warning them a head of time that what I say they may not like. Even if it seems that way to you. All I want for anyone here is for them to be able to function in the world at what ever level they need. (not want, but need) You are not the only one who thought I was attacking them when I pointed out something they didn't want to hear. That is very common, not wanting to be told where a person is negative. Do you think I liked my therapist doing it. She told me straight out not to waste her time trying to change everything so it was my way. We were doing it her way because her way was proven to work. And it did, but a lot of times I wanted to run. This is the lady that had me committed to the psych ward for my own good. This is also the lady that came to see me in hospital many a time when I was broken physically. This is the lady I go to see when I need my ass kicked because I have slipped. This is the lady that does phone consults when she can't fit me in. This is also the lady that would tear your head off if she thought you were messing with her. This is who I owe and this is why I do this. This is who I learned how from. And I did learn

So lets get it out in the open. Everyone who thinks I have attacked them personally say aye. Any one who has benefited from me pointing out where they are going wrong say so. 

This is a very busy time of year for me, I would be better weeding my garden. When I cross the line the moderators delete my posts and let me know. 

So when you say kitten think of me, I'm just another member relating personal experiences as to what I feel works. I can certainly stick to gardening and cooking, two things that I am very good at.

If any of my information helps, use it. If not then discard it. There is more than one way to cure panic, but only one that I have found lasts, and that too is just my opinion. 

It is pretty hard to show emotions in written form since there is no body language. Anyway I don't have anymore relevant information and this is the moderators site not mine, I'm just a member. A member who functions very well on no medication except a beta blocker, a cortisone and an antacid. Tylenol doesn't really count.
I've done the SSRIs, the Tricyclates, Anti Psycotics, anti anxiety's, benzos and busporins. Even phenabarbital for those old enough to remember it. I don't need any of it now, and I don't really have to be here. 

And that is as negative as I intend to get, the sun is shining and I'm going to my garden in a few minutes.

10 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sorry you are having trouble with the spell checker. To my understanding many social networking tools today don't have a spell checker at all. For example, Facebook. A lot of browsers have a built in spell checker that automatically checks spelling. We use a cute editor tool that does have a spell checker but since it is an online version it does have some limitations. I will  forward your thoughts to upper management. Since this is a free program with no outside funding and no advertisements it can take time to be 100% up to date with newer technologies. We hope the fact that this program is free makes up for any technical imperfections.
Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi StevenS,

Thanks for the grammer correction -  I use in regards to all the time, ignorant to it being grammatically incorrect!

You are right, we do not address medically related questions due to legalities. I could tell you I think CBT could be helpful to you regardless of what you are doing with your medication but it is best to get your doctor's oppinion if you have questions or concerns regarding this.

I don't want to speak for Davit - correct me if I step out of line Davit. I do want to say that Davit has been a long time member for sometime now, giving great advice and support to all members but he does have a very matter of fact tone. He is aware of this and has made comment on occasion that he could soften his approach. But please know his intentions are always good and he doesn't mean to come across as "attacking". He can just be very blunt. We love that about Davit but I must admit we have had a few chats on this - haven't we Davit? Once you know that about Davit it tends to colour his posts more positively. Thank you for being so forthright about your feelings though - if you ever have any concerns or feel attacked it is very helpful to bring it out in the open. You will find that we are all in this together here.
I look forward to reading more from you.

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The word processor used for this forum is extremely user UN-friendly.  It needs to be undated with it utilizing the mouse's right button and the dictionary able to be used from that instead of having to check the whole document.  Also this needs to be able to add words to a private dictionary like every other program, browser, email client, etc that is used today. This is so problematic that is almost disuades me from posting in a forum at all!!!!  This is from a Firefox Browser.  It doesn't work with Chrome either.
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
THIS REPLY IS TO ASHLEY ONLY! NOTE: THIS WILL BE IN ALL CAPS SO AS YOU CAN SEE MY RESPONSE TO YOUR POST. YOU WROTE: "This is a great question. You may want to talk about this with your pharmacist or doctor. Health Educators are not doctor's so we are unable to give medical advice but hopefully some more members will be along shortly to share their experiences on titration and CBT. I DO TALK TO MY DOCTORS AND PHARMACISTS ALL OF THE TIME. DO NOT DISMISS THE INFORMATION THAT I AM PROVIDING YOU IN THIS CASE. YOU MAY NOT ANSWER ME FOR LEGAL REASONS, BUT YOU HAVE AN OPINION AND THEORETICALLY EXPERIENCE AS WELL. I DO NOT HAVE AN MD OR PHD BEHIND MY NAME, BUT THAT DOESN'T STOP ME FROM GIVING YOU MY THOUGHTS, EXPERIENCES AND OPINIONS BASED ON MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. In regards to [color=Red]Regarding (not "in regards to") that is improper English.[/color]a permanent solution CBT can provide that in a way. Anxiety is one of the most manageable metal disorders. Many people who put the work into CBT have little to no symptoms after some time. Keep in mind though that maintenance is required. By maintenance I mean stress management techniques, relaxation techniques, exercise, healthy diet and CBT techniques where required. It also depends on the severity of symptoms and if there are any other concurrent disorders. So I hope you are optimistic about treatment because you have a lot to gain from working on CBT. I think you will find the treatment results you are looking for. I know you just started the program but what have you noticed thus far? Any revelations or improvements? IN ANSWER TO THE QUESTIONS ABOVE. NO. Ashley, Health Educator The PC Support Team
10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Being drugged is not least for not for me.  I have spent too many years that way and even though it is not fun at all right now getting off of them, I am looking forward to not taking drugs for my mental issues at least.  My physiological issues...time will tell how many of those I will still need after losing allot of weight (maybe stop the Metformin) and having my anxiety go down, maybe I can eventually stop taking all of the GI meds that I have to still take.  The cholesterol med will probably have to stay because that is a hereditary issue according to the doctors.  I guess that wouldn't be a problem as I have never noticed any issue with it one way or the other. 
I have to ask you something.  Are you "attacking" virtually everything I say because you are trying to show that I am talking about things negatively or is it that I am just happening to hit on things that bring that kind of a response?  I am starting to get the feeling if I said the word "kitten", you would find a way to criticize that.  I have no doubt that you intentions are genuine, but either I am just hitting every possible issue there is to hit with every post I make or there is something I am missing.  I am allowing you a VERY WIDE BIRTH on this one.  See if you can use a bit of honey here and there.  I do much better that way.  Otherwise I will get so shell shocked by perceived attacks that I will not post anymore for fear of a verbal thrashing.  If you look at my posts and your responding posts, I think that you will agree, I am being bombarded with information (which is good), but in a way that is on the side of vinegar.  I hope you follow that.
10 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Steven S,

This is a great question. You may want to talk about this with your pharmacist or doctor. Health Educators are not doctor's so we are unable to give medical advice but hopefully some more members will be along shortly to share their experiences on titration and CBT.

In regards to a permanent solution CBT can provide that in a way. Anxiety is one of the most manageable metal disorders. Many people who put the work into CBT have little to no symptoms after some time. Keep in mind though that maintenance is required. By maintenance I mean stress management techniques, relaxation techniques, exercise, healthy diet and CBT techniques where required. It also depends on the severity of symptoms and if there are any other concurrent disorders. So I hope you are optimistic about treatment because you have a lot to gain from working on CBT. I think you will find the treatment results you are looking for.

I know you just started the program but what have you noticed thus far? Any revelations or improvements?

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

It is not like that. Panic is like learning to ride a bike. Once you learn you can never unlearn. Once you have a panic attack there is always the potential to have another. Whether you do and how bad it will be depends on how well you take to CBT. I know of no one who has not had panic try to come back in a crisis. But I do know people who you might say shrug it off. Myself included. You can not delete the past only bury it. It will always be in memory this is why CBT techniques work. They teach you how to make the triggers harmless when you bring them up. This is what I mean by it is life long. How often you have something trigger memory is up to your life. How well you change thought patterns dictates how strong the triggers will be. Remember that unlike being on medication you will be wide awake with a your senses working. Every thought and emotion reaching you through normal pathways.  Do you think you can be like this and not have things trigger anxiety. Even the so called normal people have triggers that trigger anxiety and panic, both normal survival skills. But they deal with it with the positive solutions in their memory. You can't do that if all you have is negative solutions. CBT changes that. Finding positive solutions 80% or better is normal. It means you only have to tell 20% to get lost. In some high stress situations you need that 20% for comparison. It is what keeps you alive. It is what makes you creative. An example would be looking both ways before crossing a street. If you didn't you could get run over. Negative thought comparison keeps you from getting ripped off. These are appropriate uses. Continuing to use them after there useful life is not. CBT is about changing thought patterns but is also about balance. and this balance everyone does for the rest of their life. 
Is this so hard to live with, it is better than being drugged all the time.

10 years ago 0 29 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have started and am not waiting.  Your comment about "ongoing for life...even after it has worked it's miracle" suggests that one is or has been permanently damaged (like having to take out an organ or replacing a leg that has been removed) and now requires either medication or prosthetics for the rest of their life.  Not like you go through this and you are "healed" and never have to deal with it again as would be the case if you had a cut and it healed and you don't ever have to think about it again.  That, to me, is distressing.  I have had to deal with the ill effects of this my whole life and then find something that is supposed to "cure it" and then find out that it is not a "cure" in the most literal is a "pill" that you have to take life-long.  Maybe that is a normal thought that everyone has in the beginning...Maybe I am expectin too much...I just know that having to take meds for decades and having other long term health would be nice to find something that you do and it works and you are done with it...where you can go about your life like a "normal person".  I am basically thinking out loud here.  It just brings up more issues of anger and depression that I will never be "healed" and for something that I didn't cause in the first place.  There is something very wrong with that to me.

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